My Borland C++ vresion 3.1 isn't working. It works with simpler codes, but it doesn't works with graphics and animations. Is there any settings that will make Borland work? I'm using Windows 7 but the same happened with Vista and XP also, so help? Please?
Thank you all!!!

My Borland C++ vresion 3.1 isn't working. It works with simpler codes, but it doesn't works with graphics and animations. Is there any settings that will make Borland work? I'm using Windows 7 but the same happened with Vista and XP also, so help? Please?
Thank you all!!!

Use a newer compiler, such as Visual C++ Express or Code::Blocks.

Yes, that would be easy, but my teacher asks for graphics and animations in Borland. I've tried higher versions of Borland, but no, it has to be 3.1. So any solutions?

It compiles good, but when I try to run it, it shows errors like this:

Linker Error: Undefined symbol _initgraph in module GRAPH.CPP

And more errors like _setcolor, _sector, _outtextxy...
I'm setting the graph driver like this:

int gdriver=0; gmode;
initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode, "C//BorlandC//BGI");

Any help?

I've tried 5.2, but still the same error with the graphics.h.

I can see that BGI is not compatible with newer versions of Windows. So I've read in your forum that I can use dosbox, and I tried it only it finds many more errors like "cannot open math.h file" and so.
Someone tried this methode?

I can see that BGI is not compatible with newer versions of Windows. So I've read in your forum that I can use dosbox, and I tried it only it finds many more errors like "cannot open math.h file" and so.
Someone tried this methode?

I've never tried it and I don't have your compiler, but check and make sure any PATH related settings or variables can see your library directories and (I haven't used it in a while so maybe it has changed but)make sure you have your computer's directories "mounted" into the Dosbox filesystem.

Unfortunately I'm likely too late to help, but Win2k was the last best platform for running this version of the compiler and DOS programs in general. Funny that I find myself now maintaining Borland 3.1 compiled code. Regrettab;y, I have the packaged help files, but also need the doc. I am able to successfuully build my DOS aps under this compiler on WinXp, I wouldn't try to run it though. There are however even to this day DOS environments available for free, try one, it might help.

I am able to successfuully build my DOS aps under this compiler on WinXp, I wouldn't try to run it though.

Why not? I've successfully built and run Turbo 1.0 graphics code in WinXP.

Too many bad experiences with legacy code, so many of my old favorite games just bombed for one reason or another. Thats all.

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