This is a little program in QBasic which counts the number of characters in a string. Made by Buff - two errors removed by me. Thanks Buff.
QBasic character counter - helped by Buff
DECLARE SUB GetWords (st$, wds%)
st$ = "Hello my name is John Doe"
IF RIGHT$(st$, 1) <> " " THEN st$ = st$ + " "
FOR k% = 1 TO LEN(st$)
IF MID$(st$, k%, 1) = " " THEN words% = words% + 1
characters% = characters% + 1
PRINT "total characters="; characters%
PRINT "total words="; words%
xst$ = "Hello my name is John Doe"
GetWords xst$, words%
PRINT "words= "; words%
SUB GetWords (st$, wds%)
IF RIGHT$(st$, 1) <> " " THEN st$ = st$ + " "
FOR k% = 1 TO LEN(st$)
IF MID$(st$, k%, 1) = " " THEN words% = words% + 1
characters% = characters% + 1
'print "total characters=";characters%
'print "total words=";words%
wds% = words%
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