please, does anybody know is there a .NET control in which an excel document can be displayed on a windows form ?? Or is there any other way to display it on a form??
tnx :)

Are you wanting to just read the data from the excel spreadsheet, and put that data on the form? Or are you wanting to Embed an excel spreadsheet into the form?

i actually want to EMBED excel spreadsheat into the..


In the Visual Studio.NET Evironment, right-click on a toolbox tab and select add/remove items. There should be an Excel Spreadsheet 9.0, 10.0, or 11.0 control depending on your version of Office. I believe it is located in the .NET Frameworks tab. If not, it would be under the COM Components tab. Select the control and click OK. The control will then be added to your toolbox.

Hope this helps!

TNX !!!!
i did it :)

I cannot find the object. Is it the MicroSoft Spreadsheet 10.0? If so, I have it loaded, but I cannot add an existing workbook to it. How can this be done, or better, how can I get the Excel object?

dim objExcel
set objExcel = createobject("Excel.Application") "c:\somepath\somefile.xls"
dim objExcel
set objExcel = createobject("Excel.Application") "c:\somepath\somefile.xls"

Please tell me how to interact with the Excel Sheet embedded in the Page.
I want to get the values of selected cells.

Please tell me how to interact with the Excel Sheet embedded in the Page.
I want to get the values of selected cells.

I, too, am trying to figure out how to interact with an embedded Excel Sheet. I have searched the web, but have not found any information.

If someone could put me / us in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated!



To embeded excel in WinForm, add Windows WebBrower control from the components tab. Use the Navigate method to open the excel.


Hey guys. I have tried the above suggestions but no luck. I am trying to view a excel form I created in windows forms. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!

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