I know how to print forms in vb but i wanted to change the page orientation to landscape but the code in the help file is

:evil:form1.orientation=1 '1 for landscpe and 2 for prtrait:evil:

this doesn't work please help

I think you have to manipulate the printer object directly.....

I think you have to manipulate the printer object directly.....

This is correct. Use:

Printer.Orientation = 2

1 for Portrait and 2 for Landscape.

Yup, that's right... do me a favor and toss in some code tags ;)

Yup, that's write... do me a favor and toss in some code tags ;)

write or right?? LOL code tags it is . . .

Eah, it was late and I was burned out from a long trip :) I meant right.

Thanx alot . I was really frustrated.

It worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can i use the data grid for in putting data in the database when you are using visual basic 6.0? Please help

How can i use the data grid for in putting data in the database when you are using visual basic 6.0? Please help

Robbin, this thread is 5 years old. Please start a new thread.

PS: try giving more information too, like what you have already tried, what type of database, etc.


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