Can you please give me one con and two pros on your opinion about death penalty?

I say it's not right! I mean, come on! They are going to die a "peaceful" death while the person they killed was violently treated!!! I think they should give them all jail for life and make them work for the government doing jobs that other people don't like. For example, sewer clean up... or something like that.

Please leave feedback on what you think about capital punishment!!! PLEASE!
and don't forget to leave one pro and two cons!!!!


People who start flamefests like these deserve the death penalty.

People who start flamefests like these deserve the death penalty.

What do you mean with flamefests? :confused:

What do you mean with flamefests? :confused:

He means bringing up such a heated issue in an unsolicited fashion. Threads like these always turn ugly, an always need to be closed.

I'll leave this one open, but as soon as it gets out of hand, it WILL be closed.

I don't know about the two pros, I was always against the concept of death panelty. It's all I will say, because I do not want to encourage a flame war. I can discuss my reasons via PM.

I agree Rashakil Fol, and alc6379 that this kind of topic does not belong here. It has nothing to do with computer technology, and does nothing but encourage flame fests.

In my opinion it should be purely for the sake of future... the punishment that prohibits people from doing that act again should be implemented, whether it be a time trial or death penalty.

The question isn't detailed enough for me. I have conflicting beliefs when it comes to political views and religious views. So, it depends on which nail you are hanging this question.

Politically: Kill them all!
Religiously: No Way Jose'

When you look at how much money is spent to keep ONE prisoner in prison, then it's just not fair to let them live.

For me, it all depends on what they did. This mousaoui dude shouldn't get the death penalty because that's letting him off easy. What should happen is drop all the charges and let him go in the middle of time square. Or, they should make him build a huge tower out of rocks and hard labor, and then make him watch as the other prisoners tear it down.
Oopps. Off topic.

When you look at how much money is spent to keep ONE prisoner in prison, then it's just not fair to let them live.

If you compare this to the cost of actually executing people, it's the other way around.

I don't know about the two pros, I was always against the concept of death panelty. It's all I will say, because I do not want to encourage a flame war. I can discuss my reasons via PM.

I agree Rashakil Fol, and alc6379 that this kind of topic does not belong here. It has nothing to do with computer technology, and does nothing but encourage flame fests.

Sorry, I didn't want to start a "Flamewar" of any kind. All I wanted was a little help from you all, with two cons and *OR* two pros.

I'm doing a report over DP and by posting this thread, I was looking foward to have some feedback and view other people's point of view. I am against death penalty and believe it is cruel and inhumane. For one, almost 117 men and women have been taken off death row because they have found more evidence on the case... and some have been taken off just minutes before execution. Just wanted to view other people's point of view and explanation, sorry. It has been a long time since I was last here at Daniweb and the last time you could practically post anything on the Coffee House>Geek's Lounge. I'm sorry you all, I guess I made a mistake. But it would be of great help if you could just give me YOUR point of view on DP. Don't reply to anything that is posted, just give me YOUR point of view. That would be EXTREMELY helpful.

Love ya guy!!!

If you compare this to the cost of actually executing people, it's the other way around.

Really? Are you adding in the court cost and everything?

Again Roxsy, Religiously, or Politically?

Again Roxsy, Religiously, or Politically?

Well, it all depends on whatever you wish to say. I stress my point that I only want to know other people's point of view on this situation. Let me clarify my question a little bit more. Give me your point of view, both politcally and religiously, on what side of DP you stand on. I only want to hear what you think. No debates of any kind, just opinion.

Which is cool, but since my opinions differ based on religious and political stand points, it's impossible for me to answer the poll.

Religously I'm not sure what I think. Execution is not the same as murder, but it's the death of a person all together. I wouldn't want to be the one executing.

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I wouldn't want to be the one executing.

I wudn't mind. So long as you gave me one of these

Tee he he

I wudn't mind. So long as you gave me one of these

Tee he he

This is the most sadistic form of punishment that I have ever heard of. This is SICK!

It is an economic alternative to life inprisonment. If properly handled (meaning public executions rather than doing it in secret as is now often the case in many countries) it can also act as a powerful deterrent for would be criminals.

So yes, I'm in favour of it though not as a penalty for everything. It should be reserved for those cases where the alternative would have been a life sentence (or the equivalent, some countries don't lock people up for more than a specific time for economic reasons, then let them loose on society once more to commit more crimes).

And there should not be the decades long appeals process that there is now in the US for example.
The old addage, charge them at noon, convict them at teatime, hang them at dawn, works quite well.

I am all for the deal penalty. If you kill someone, you should be killed.
People will think twice about murdering anyone if they know that they will be put to death if they do so.

I think the death penalty actually saves lives.

I am against the idea of death panelty. When the penalty is performed, that person is killed at in instant and doesn't suffer. Even execution with suffering does not cut it. There is nothing worse then life without hope. So life in prison is the best (the worst?) punishment there is for somebody who commited murder. They will suffer for many years before they die.

Also, many innocent people were executed, and thats a fact (do your reaserch its all I can say). Imagine that there will be just ONE innocent person executed EVER...oh yeah and that person is YOU. How do you feel now?

The idea of public execution has no place in a civilized society. Its barbaric, and immoral.

"It's Better For 1000 Guilty Men To Go Free, Than For 1 Innocent To Be Punished"

it's called collateral damage. I'd rather be executed as an innocent person than spend 20 years in prison as an innocent person and then maybe be set free into a world that still brands me as an ex-con convicted of some heinous crime.
Even the hundred million you may get from a court in compensation after you sue the state for wrongfully convicting you isn't going to make anyone look at you without suspicion.

it's called collateral damage. I'd rather be executed as an innocent person.

I wouldn't.

Breaking The Law and being punished doesn't constitute war. Wordnet defines Collateral Damage, as inadvertent casualties and destruction inflicted on civilians in the course of military operations, not quite the same thing.

So by your standard, everyone should be set free? Because there's a chance innocent people are in jail.

Anyway, for those having trouble deciding whether the death penalty is the correct punishment, remember this:

The penis mighter than the sword.

No, but I believe people should be significantly more thorough when it comes to convictions.... not just because someone has to pay for the crime.... which happens all too often. Why leave a case open, when it can be closed? Why stay here in this jury room any longer, I just want to go home, so screw it, he's guilty.

i don't think that the death penalty is right, its not fair can anyone here give me one good thing about the death penalty that may help our socity

i think it really depends on what the person's crime was...if it was a vital crime (eg murder,war) then yes...i think it would set an example to kill em...if they og to prison it is most likely the other inmates will kill them anyway...and im being serious!

i agree it also matters on the crime in witch the person has commited

i agree it also matters on the crime in witch the person has commited

yeah...true also!

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