I cannot run a program on a computer because there are software restrictions in place which prevent the running of .exe files.

Is it possible to run a program with out the .exe file extension? (i.e. change it to something else?) If not are there any other ways of getting around these annoying RM software restrictions?



(sorry if this is in the wrong section)

If the computer can't run ANY exe files, it couldn't do anything except sit there in Windows.

Apparently the computer is set up to run only software which has been installed by the system administrator. Either that, or someone has been playing with the security settings.

Other possibilities:
- You are trying to run a mac program on a PC, or vice versa.
- The file is corrupted.
- A virus is doing the blocking (I remember one like that from the DOS days).
- The .exe file accesses system functions, and you don't have administrator privileges.
- Some program has changed the security settings to disallow .exe files without corresponding .dll files.
- The computer is set to disable all downloaded .exe files.
- The file is not compatible with your version of Windows.

Apparently the computer is set up to run only software which has been installed by the system administrator.

Thats the problem because its on a RM network, so do you know anyway of getting around it?

The file is not corrupt or anything like that i just cant run it because of the software restrictions. I hate RM!

I don't exactly know what an RM Network is... but, If the File doesn't require installation, you can see if it will run .vbs files...

dim WSH
set WSH = createobject("WScript.Shell")
WSH.Run "c:\somepath\someprog.exe"

Does the system allow access to any programs at all?

Hold up.

I would hate to think that a user from my network is writing on this forum trying to avoid the restrictions i put in place. If it's a legit request then why not ask you SA to sort it for you.

I don't know if giving advise on how to hack a system restriction is allowed within this forum, but personnally i think this should be avoided. I hope this thread is closed.

commented: agreed +7

RM is a "Reaserch Mashenes" network generaly used in schools. Access is only aloud to prgrams which have been installed by the admin. Thanks for the advice ill give it a go on monday, and let you know how it turns out.

Hold up.

I would hate to think that a user from my network is writing on this forum trying to avoid the restrictions i put in place. If it's a legit request then why not ask you SA to sort it for you.

I don't know if giving advise on how to hack a system restriction is allowed within this forum, but personnally i think this should be avoided. I hope this thread is closed.

I dont think this has anything to do with your network unless you work for Reaserch Mashenes Limited, anyway I already have access to the servers through a backdoor you guys missed, and im qiute happy to tell you how i did it so you can prevent future attacks...

I was just pointing out that if its a legit request, ask your system administrator.

Maybe "hack" was too harsh a word, but promoting workarounds for security restrictions is a major problem for people like me. Whether you like them or not they are only doing their jobs.

Thanks for the PM on this subject

I tried using the code you gave me but it doesnt like it.

Set WSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WSH.Run "\nhs-sr-003\RMManage\Network Management\Printer Credits.exe" - This part of the code doesnt seem to work, could be because the program is on another computer i dont know.

Do you know whats going on here?


That's definately the problem. That code, as far as I know, will only work on a mapped drive, or on the local machine. Sorry about that, I probably should have asked that before posting the code.

Could it be because the .exe files are on remote machines, not on your PC?

Could it be because the .exe files are on remote machines, not on your PC?

Thats what I said above. ^^^

Oh my. the things I missed while I was away. I'm in full agreement with MartyMcFly.

The only valid response to a questiuon such as this, in my view, is "Ask the SA to sort it out for you." Take the program to the SA and get him/her to install it for you!

If this is asking for ways to get around such restrictions without permission or sanction, then the provision of advice from here is innapropriate in my view. Closed!

Can't you try making the file end with a ".com" file extension?

if you can run bat files:

exec.bin (an exe file with a bin extension)


@echo off

I just did this myself, so I know it works ;)

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