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Member Avatar for saurabhjain

The same thing happened to me. I played with some others, such as ContextWeb and Clicksor. They didn't generate much revenue and were never really "context" appropriate. After much thinking, I've come to the conclusion that Google Adsense is ruining the web, and have decided not to run any "context" …

Member Avatar for bessieexum
Member Avatar for Dani

Hello, just joined. I program in ASP.NET, C#, PHP, all the web stuff (JavaScript, CSS). I'm also an expert in PostScript, PDF and print related technologies. I do contract training, programming, and consulting in the U.S. and Europe. Home page: [url][/url] I'm expanding my site's articles, and joined to answer …

Member Avatar for jamesjoseph1
Member Avatar for samaru

I invented the printing industry's first true eCommerce site, complete with dynamic, real-time PDF production. I wrote the first version single-handedly, before any PDF libraries existed, in CGI with a 2GL business language called PL/B. I had to work directly with the language vendor to get CGI to work. The …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for vivekgalatage

The CSS Print Profile specification may help: [url][/url]

Member Avatar for Sara_14
Member Avatar for chunguy
Member Avatar for adminsssssss
Member Avatar for mike@itzoom

You left out a class of email address, where the account name and the domain name are clearly related. That's what I use for business, as I believe such an email address clearly shows that the email originates from a principal and/or owner of the domain/business. One example might be …

Member Avatar for Vaishnavi_1
Member Avatar for nucmedx-ray

I would not suggest a career in programming. I'm a programmer, and have seen the field dramatically polarize. Either you'll need to be a PHD working at Microsoft, or a low-wage employee working at a giant outsourcing company. For someone in the middle, like me, the field is shrinking and …

Member Avatar for jaybernard21
Member Avatar for tgreer

I'm revisiting a topic previously discussed in this thread: [url=""][/url] The basic issue is this: when using a [b]StreamReader[/b], and [b]ReadLine[/b], to process a text file, you cannot determine where you are "at" within a file. This is because [b]StreamReader[/b] doesn't actually read from a FILE, it reads from a …

Member Avatar for Cesc_1
Member Avatar for SushilKumar

Not directly, no. Server-side functions live server-side, client-side functions live on the client. In fact, the only way to get ANY server-side code to run, is to submit the form. ASP.NET unrolls the HTTP headers, unpackages the hidden ViewState variable, re-instantiates objects, and then decides what events to raise based …

Member Avatar for einbump
Member Avatar for aripaka

ASP.NET produces HTML. The ASP.NET objects each "render" an HTML element, specific to the browser/OS/version. So whatever rules apply about mixing and embedding script with HTML applies as well. The PAGE object has the "AddStartupScript" method, which doesn't do what you think it might (code the onload event of the …

Member Avatar for Ravi_10
Member Avatar for Letscode

Why not simply remove the time delay? I'm sure I'm missing something here! Set the initial src of your right frame to a static page that does two things: 1) Display a "Please wait" message. 2) Submit a request to the datagrid page (use a form with action tag set …

Member Avatar for geniusvishal
Member Avatar for cumadhu

"web.config" is scoped to a particular directory. You use it to override machine.config for a particular application or application sub-folder. Sorry for not answering sooner; there is an ASP.NET sub-forum that you might want to use for these types of questions in the future.

Member Avatar for perezvarm
Member Avatar for ncaditya

Oh, the "code for it" is all you want? Let me snap my fingers <snap!> Well, since magic fails... you have to realize that an ad system is quite a bit more complex than adding a few "simple codes" to your pages. I would suggest that you apply to a …

Member Avatar for Jenifer Sarah
Member Avatar for vex

HTML is a set of tags to describe a web page. XML is a set of tags to describe any given type of hiercharchal data, depending on the schema for that data. XHTML is an XML-compliant implementation of HTML. So with XML, you could invent your own tags and properties …

Member Avatar for Neuronimbus1
Member Avatar for assaf

Those bullets appear as small red letter "v" on your page in Firefox. With HTML 3.2, which you appear to be using, you have only 3 bullet types, and the browser will render each as it sees fit. See [URL=""]this reference[/URL]. CSS has nothing to do with that, though you …

Member Avatar for austinluthers
Member Avatar for sleepswim

CSS is never used to "load" content. It only styles the content. To dynamicaly load and/or generate content, we need to be talking about JavaScript. It is entirely possible to load content into a DIV using JavaScript, for example, using the ".innerHTML" property.

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for cmills83

CSS cannot stretch an image: a browser is not an image editing program. CSS can repeat an image, but the image must be designed naturally to tile well. The typical technique is to divide an image that must "stretch" horizontally into three images, a left, center, and right. The center …

Member Avatar for lrbabe
Member Avatar for Sisil

JavaScript is not well-suited to this task. You need to use a server-side language to render the style sheet link dynamically.

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for cumadhu

"Session" is data stored per user session. "Viewstate" is an ASP.NET thing. It's a way for the application to maintain state about a particular form and its child controls. Your ASP.NET application might consist of several pages/forms. There might be a piece of data that you want to access across …

Member Avatar for Patel Roopal
Member Avatar for Joncamp
Member Avatar for cumadhu
Member Avatar for happygeek

Google cannot respect privacy. Their entire business model is based upon copying, indexing, monetizing, and re-serving copyrighted content: websites, books, etc.If they start respecting privacy, they risk pulling the thread that unravels the sweater. Google must continue to completely ignore user privacy, treat all data that is "collectible" by any …

Member Avatar for stevenpeter
Member Avatar for odee

First, I don't work much with embeds, so this is speculation. But you need to give your element an ID, as such: [code]<embed id="myMidi" src="music.mid">[/code] Then, you can get to the object using [INLINECODE]document.getElementById("myMidi")[/INLINECODE]. At that point, try simply changing the source: [CODE] document.getElementById("myMidi").src = "newfile.mid";[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Gary123
Member Avatar for harshm027
Member Avatar for FireSBurnsmuP

CSS is not a programming language. It is a declarative language for defining styles. It has no variables, conditionals, loops, logic, or commands. If you want to "program CSS", what you need to learn is JavaScript. JavaScript is a scripting language for manipulating the browser Document Object Model, which includes …

Member Avatar for alikhanbaba
Member Avatar for kaushik259106

Is your keyboard missing letters? Many of your words are incomplete. If you want good quality answers, ask good quality questions, which includes not typing like a chimp. There are many forum packages available. The two most popular are phpBB and vBulletin.

Member Avatar for Python++
Member Avatar for asifjavaid

To get a good reply, start with a good question. What steps have you already taken? Are you familiar with the PDF spec? Are you willing to use a 3rd party library? If so, COM or .NET? What's your budget?

Member Avatar for SummiRS
Member Avatar for ABUMIN

You can override a style declaration with an inline style (that's the "Cascading" part of Cascading Style Sheets).

Member Avatar for zobadof
Member Avatar for kincaid

That's the way it is supposed to work. Actualy, USERS are supposed to add their own bookmarks; it's not something a site should be doing. However, a web-search reveals [URL=""]this page[/URL] as the very first result.

Member Avatar for atul.kushwah

The End.