Can someone please tell me what this means?

When I open my website home page IE gives me this error message: Error: Expected ')'

I suspect this is an error in the java code for my menu system, but after repeated attempts to find it I can not.

MUCH THANKS to anyone who can help!


Is it possible for you to show us a link to your page, so we can go see it too?



The error you're seeing is a JavaScript error most likely caused by the dropdown navigation menu. However, I don't get that error message and my browser is telling me there aren't any script errors. So I don't know :-/ Does it happen all the time?


I have not veiwed it on any other pc yet... might just be a prob w/mine.

Have a great day!!

I Have The Same Error On Hompage Error Expected How Did You Repair It?

whoa buddy...

please don't reopen a thread that is 2 years old. :)

Also, this is a javascript problem and you should post your question in the HTML, CSS & JavaScript forum.

Can someone please tell me what this means?

When I upload file at one of government website MCA IE gives me this error message: Error: Expected 'j' and further uploading is not done

I suspect this is an error in the java code for my menu system, but after repeated attempts to find it I can not.

MUCH THANKS to anyone who can help!

Please start your own thread, and the problem should not be your computer, it is in the JavaScript that is being loaded from the server. Please start a new thread, and in a JavaScript Forum, not a Java forum.

Also, if you will note this thread was started in Aug 2004 and the last post, after a pause of nearly 2 years, was nearly a year ago.

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