Hey there everyone. Welcome! gmunn, post your question in the Internet Explorer forum so people can help you there. Don't want to get this thread all off-topic - it's a welcome thread :)

Sorry about that!! First time on site!!

Okay, so I'm not a forum lurker anymore.
Now what?
I'm looking for info on Mailclnt.exe.....some how it has vanished from
my computer. When I try to open email attachments--no joy!
Who can help?
not a techie--but would appreciate one right now...

I'm charter and new to PHP so I look forward to anyone who can please help with my coding.

I'm in my 20s and from Manchester, UK.
I am currently a front end web designer who now is starting to learn some back end stuff. Mainly PHP/My SQL and Javascript.

I wish to thank everyone who helps me in the future as it will all be much appreciated.

Thank you for having me as a member of the forums.

Hey there sopassthis! Check out the Windows forum and post your question there. As for you, charter, snoop around the PHP and Databases forums a bit!

Hi I am ldybabydoll, it is nice to meet you all :D

hello everyone, names Killer_Typo, but you can call me Mike. umm i love computers and i love art. and i want to go to college and Major in computer science and/or Arts because i hope to get a job in web design and programming some day.

Hi I am ldybabydoll, I am new here just wanted to say hi

Lovely... I forgot to log in :o that was me...

commented: your not a jerk, here you have have some good reputation :) +1

I saw your ad in the Marin IJ, and had to join! There are a lot of homework questions in the language sections, are the students from all over, or is there a 'main college' folks come from?

FWIW, software engineering is, I hope, still in its infancy. There was a lot of work back in the 70's and 80's working on ways of making more accurate code, but that seems to have pretty much been abandoned in favor of the "toss enough stuff into the program and it will sell" model. I can't believe we're still using C++ and it's cousins (like Java) for large applications. Unfortunately, there isn't much of a better choice, so we try to make the best with what we've got.

"It's like using stone knives and bearskins"

- Spock, "City on the Edge of Forever"

Hello all,

I'm Eric from Bradford, Massachusetts. I've been lurking in the forums for a few days, but I hadn't gone in the Coffee House yet... :rolleyes:

Well, about me. I just finished my Junior year in high school, I've known HTML for about a year, PHP since November last year, VB for at least 3 years, Java for about 6 months, Assembler for about 2 months, TWiRQ for about 2 months, and I'm going to learn C++ this fall :cool: .

From what I've seen of these forums, people really know what they're talking about. I look forward to posting more in the future :) .

Welcome! I just checked out your site, and TWiRQ, which is fantastic! A really creative new language.

Maybe we should start a thread on how to solve common homework assignments using only TWiRQ!

An interactive version of TWiRQ could be really instructive to beginning programmers trying to figure out how a machine works. Code flow, registers, unexpected consequences.

Very cool.

Wow... 300 posts, and I never posted anything in this thread!

I'm Alex Cavnar, aka alc6379. On forums that accept that long a name, that's usually what I go by. Other places, it's alc6379, or Alex Cavnar.

Aside from modding here, I am also a moderator, along with DMR at www.justlinux.com, a site focused on helping users with Linux and other open source operating systems and applications. I'm a CPS tech at Dell, been there for a little while. I've been using computers since age 7 (started with an OLD Tandy TRS-80, moved to a blazing 4mhz PC-XT, baby!), now onto whatever else I get the 'unction for.

Currently I would say that I've got about 11 systems running, untold masses down in the basement, waiting to be fired up. In order of preference, I'm running FreeBSD, NetBSD, Linux, MacOS (versions 6.0.4 to X.3), and then that other OS I hear people talking about resides on some of my systems, too. I've been a Free/Open source afficianado for about 3 years-- some have called me the most laid-back open source zealot you'd ever meet!

All in all, happy to be here, it's been nearly 7 months now, and I'll be happy to get many more months, YEARS, even, in here.

Hey there latest forum-goers! To answer your question, Chainsaw, people come to the language forum from all over, no specific college at all. Welcome, Toba, as well. Chainsaw, may I ask what TWiRQ stands for?

Well, I'm not sure Chainsaw knows ;) .

Well, when I was developing TWiRQ, I decided to use the letters QWERTY to stand for the registers. Unfortunately, E is used in hexadecimal - so I decided to change it to I. That left QWIRTY, the set of 6 one byte registers. I couldn't think of a name, so I rearragned the letters and changed the capitalization of the I - TWiRQ. Here's a simple little TWiRQ program that that calculates square roots in Hexadecimal:

<TWiRQ_SOURCE ver:007>;
::::::Do Again y/n?

Loops are quite literally "loops" - TWiRQ is definitely an interesting challenge to code in... :)

I figured it was an anagram for QWERTY, and hadn't fully understood the reason that E was missing, but that makes sense. What I like about it is that the processing of instructions meanders around at the whims of the code itself; it doesn't start at the 'top' and march to the 'bottom' except for branch statements. It literally FLOWS in any of 4 directions, and you have to interpret the code in the direction the processor will be viewing it. It makes it kind of a cross between a language and a game!

Yeah, that's what I was trying for when I made it... :)

Making the compiler was really hard... have you ever tried compiling something like THAT? I did it though, basically by making an "inline" interpreter. ;)

I wrote a Visual Basic-like compiler once for a company. It generated native 80x86 instructions, mostly function calls through a passed-in table of functions. So it was faster than most interpreters, but slower than 'real' compiled code. But not by much!

You could have a visual-interpreter where it displays the grid and executes very slowly, maybe bolding the charactor being looked at. That would be fun to watch the program run.

Hello everyone, my name is Sandra aka Sukiebaby. I'm glad I found this forum, for I need lots of help :confused:. Taking a college course in C++ programming and I jsut cant seem to get that lightbulb to come on :idea:.

I'm a single parent, living in The Bronx, NY and work for Verizon over 26 years. Finally going back to school to get my Bachelors Degree in Information Systems.

Just joined more from a 'HELP!!!!' point of view, although in some rare circumstances maybe I can acually be of some use..mainly use computers for music and doing my label's website..and work of course..other than that ski-ing, music and arty stuff is all good..

hi i am amjad ali from SWAT.

there is nothing special about me which i should discuss.
the only thing is that i am just simple and friendly but onl to those who are friendly to me .

i hope this introduction is fine enough.

Hi folks! Well aren't you a nice bunch! I came here looking for answers on how to fix this friggin' mess my comp is on after a hell of a spy and adware attack. I have no idea where I picked it up, but after 5 days I managed to get rid of it. It took a lot with it, tho, and I'm not sure what or how to fix things, except with an AK47 and I'm fresh out. So, I'm picking the brains of people who know about this stuff, since I sure don't. I DO know that if there's any thing stupid, strange, "how the hell did you manage that" that can happen? I'll be the one it'll happen to, and that applies to my comp as well as my life.

About me...uh.......I was born in Iceland, live in Chicago, hate it a LOT, am a tall blonde nordic goddess with a very smart mouth that kills that whole Ice Queen fantasy pretty damn dead right there (heehee). I have a web site I mess with (I don't know what I'm doing with that, either) that averages about 4 million hits a year
which is a shame because I barely know how to put a page together, so most of the mail I get is about how sucky my interface is. I'm good at graphics, tho and backgrounds and fonts and make CD art for bands, so pffft on the HTML. Sez me. Maybe I'll meet a hamdsome Geek I can use for his coding expertise and then throw away like used Kleenex?
Thanks for being here and Dani, I've made you an offical nordic goddess :)

Hehe, thanks Wrennika! Welcome everyone - It seems like this last group of lurkers is a nice mix between people seeking tech support help and computer programmers :) Glad to welcome everyone together to join our community.

hay csgal is that pic yours under ur id.?

looks like i have to add mine also ;-)

I've been here a while as you all know but I haven't really ever introduced myself...

I come from a small country town in Australia in the southern part of the Queensland State. I am very fortunate to have gained an IT traineeship specializing in software while I defer for UNI as this town doesn't have alot to offer... my main duties at work include programming and graphics design. I am engaged to a girl I love, we have been going out for over 8 months and yeah we're probably too young and yeah 8 months isn't long enough, but I know it's right. She has just gone away to Brisbane (Queensland capital city) for a ballet school for a week. In 8 months, this is the longest we have ever been apart. I just received the rest of my AWESOME machine today and will be assembling it tonight so I can finally feel some power at my fingertips :). Anyways I'm so tired I could sleep upside down.

Anything else you wanna know?


LOL, where are you form catweazle?

Vic! But I really, really like Alistair Lynch!

Hey Im Josh.

Vic! But I really, really like Alistair Lynch!

ozzie like me! How much do you like Alistair Lynch... btw union is the only real sport.

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