Hi Katherine,

You posted your message twice by mistake, so I've split one of them off and placed it into a new topic. I've called it "Where is my internet?" and you'll find it in the 'Internet Explorer' section of the forum. I'm sure you'll get some helpful advice there quite soon.

Welcome to TechTalk. I hope you enjoy your stay here. :D

Hello peeps,
Im ben.Thought I would drop a line to say howdy! Im pretty new to C++ and teaching myself.This forum looks like it could be a big help in my learning adventure.So get prepared for some nooby questions.

thks in advace for your help.

Hi there Ben :) and everyone else too! Welcome.

Gd day im omol, nice forum btw probally see me around alot from now on. my first post on this forum :).

any ways see ya guys around.

Hello omol! Welcome :)

Hey there forum lurkers - all you people who are browsing the site but still haven't taken a minute to sign up. I just thought it would be a nice idea to welcome you all to the forums. Why not drop us a line and say howdy here? Heck, you don't even need to register to reply to threads here in the Geek's Lounge forum! Go ahead, introduce yourself ;)

Hi. My name is Sean Kleyn from Cape Town South Africa. I am a computer enthusiast with some beginner to intermediate skills in both the C/C++ and Visual Basic 6 languages. I am seriously trying to get into the IT industry but here in South Africa the opportunities in the IT field is very limited and dificult to get into. They only seem to hire experts in their fields and don't give newcomers much of a chance. I have joined this forum hoping that it will help me to gain contact with other IT people and maybe somehow spark of my career in The It field either through a job ofer on the fforum or some good advice. If there are people who could get me started off i would be extremely grateful. I have some good skills and am extremely eager to get started. If anyone could help me in anyway possible with my situation i would be delighted.

Yours truly
Sean Kleyn :D

Ummm... Howdy. I'm not employed in a computer field (not that I think it matters). I code for my own convenience. I write, draw, read, and make music on my puter. I live in San Francisco where the city shows me love and here I hope to stay until the ocean swallows us up. Woohoo. I need to learn how to surf. Anyway. Thanks for having me.


Hey there Sean and Alcides! I hope you find what you're looking for in DaniWeb. We're here to help :) Sean, lots of people around here who are in the I.T. field and I'm sure willing to help you. If you have any specific questions, please post them in the I.T. careers forum :)

Hey..Im John Rice!..I live in the USA,Florida..uh...thats pretty much it..lolz..and I want to say Hello to you all...;) :cheesy:

Hi John from Sunny Fla!

Yeah . . . hi everyone. I'm just getting ready to start my Master's Program this fall and thought I look around for related and helpful forums going forward.



good luck on your Master's Program dfifita. :)

Hi, my first post! :)

I'm looking forward to being here. I'm interested in learning PHP so I guess that will be my main focus to begin with. I'm just learning so please be patient with me I'll probably have many questions and most will be stupid ones. But, that's how I seem to learn.

I will never ask a question just for the fun of it. When I post it will be because I need an answer(s) because of curiousity, help, or verification.


Hi everyone, I go by lightbeing0110. I came here at first to get help, but I am really learning things also. I am in Ohio. :)

Hi. I'm Lorna (rhidassa is just a name I use everywhere). I dont know that much, but I have a tenancy to get infected, so I'm hoping to get help from you lovely people. :)

Hi All ,

I`m Eric , and I haven`t got a clue about programming , or web designing . I`m a big Red Sox fan . I love baseball , and Football . I have been searching ways to self educate myself in computer programming , and web designing . I really don`t even know where to start , but I am sure thier is a place too . This is a great forum , and maybe if I look hard enough I will find a topic for "Things you need to have and know to start programming and where and how to get them" , or something along those lines . If not I can just hang around , and have fun .

Thanks for having me

Howdy heck (was that right? ;) ) I'm Kenley and I've been programming with PHP for.. hmm.. 6 years now? (I'm only 17! :o ) And with MySQL for ~5 years, and I'm STILL learning. I came to this place to start offering some tutorials and stuff (even though I barely know what I'm doing =P ) over PHP, MySQL, and useful tips I've discovered dealing with the web development for so long.

So.. howdy heck! =]

Hey there guys and gals and welcome! kenleycapps, thank you for all of your contributions - I hope everyone enjoys our community!

Howdy. Name's Bullet. I do mobile computer repair ( as well as in my shop for more technically challenging problems). I also wirte web site. Check out http://skindragon.com. I just recently threw it together in what little spare time I had lyin' around. Just thought I'd check this place out and see what's goin on. So what's goin on, people?

Hello !!!!!

I am Roan C. Mahinay, 20 yrs. of age im a third student a BSBA -Mgt. major im fond of browsing the Internet. and im really intersted in pr ogramming languages but it so happen that i didnt took computer course . With your website i am hoping that i can learn more.

Thank you aand God Bless.

Respectfully yours,
Roan C.Mahinay

FIgured I'd say hello here, I said hello in the describe yourself thread already, but seems this is the place to actually be heard. ^^;

Hello. I'm a PC oldtimer, more a hardware/OS guy than anything else.

Have enjoyed watching pro's like Catweazle and others helping people, and thought maybe I could be of some use here, too. So, here I am. And that's about that. ;)

Nice to meetcha all!

Welcome aboard, Rohan and DuncanIdaho. The more the merrier, and remember - We've all got heaps to learn, and we've all got heaps to contribute.

Most of all though, it's quite enjoyable to be here :D

It is a test.I will try to post my problem on this forum if this response succeeds

Hi Jiyu. A test, eh? I don't like tests :)

Hiyas.. I am de-lurking. ;)


Helloo... My name is Yinka. And i'm not very big on programming(had a horrible experience with FORTRAN) in my first year of uni. Just generally into understanding how these things(computers) work, if not for anything, just so that i know how to fix em when things go wrong... Cos u see, i always draw analogies to real life human emotions and qualities, with computers. I think they deserve it, and i'm sure everyone thinks so too :P
Anyway this looks like a brilliant site, well done, i'm sure it'll be of benefit to me, and i hope i can be of benefit to other users as well.

Cheers :D

Welcome hostmoon and thinka! :)

Hey there forum lurkers - all you people who are browsing the site but still haven't taken a minute to sign up. I just thought it would be a nice idea to welcome you all to the forums. Why not drop us a line and say howdy here? Heck, you don't even need to register to reply to threads here in the Geek's Lounge forum! Go ahead, introduce yourself ;)

hey I'm hexstar and look forward to being active at this great forum

Hi there Robert. :) This is just an introduction thread in the Geek's Lounge. Please register and post your C++ questions there. But, yes, I think C++ is a good first language - it's used by a wide variety of people for a wide variety of things ;) To develop games, business applications, operating systems, etc. Welcome hextar as well :)

hello everyone. I am Shadow. Been programmin by myself for long time , aint had much of a chance to talk to others. I am mostly webwriting but i know some Qbasic. So i know, HTML, Javascript, CSS, and some QBasic.

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