very nice slade.
i like people who stick to one life partner. i respect everyone who respect females.
you are lucky that you got someone loving or someone you love.
wish u all the best in ur future life

very nice slade.
i like people who stick to one life partner. i respect everyone who respect females.
you are lucky that you got someone loving or someone you love.
wish u all the best in ur future life

Thankyou very much :) that is really kind of you. Wish you the best of luck in life too.

hi, new comer named jerry here, nice to meet u computer programming giant out there

whos a giant?

Hello everyone. I'm an MCSE and an MCT and own my own consulting company in Boston. There's nothing better than a quality "Geek Gathering" place. :)

Hey there jerry and waynorandall :) Welcome to the place where cool techies unite :) hehe

I come seeking tech support,I have fallen and I can't get up! I tripped over a spy and adware and the home page just hasn't been the same.

Hi plainoldsteve, and Welcome. If it's help with Spyware and Adware you need you'll find our 'Security' forum section helpful I hope! You could start with the advice given in the 'Helping Yourself' topic there.

If you need further assistance, create a new topic there with details of your problems and I'm sure someone will be quickly turning up to help!

Hi...I am newcomer to this site and right now am having big time problems understanding how its used. Hopefully I will get the hang of it .

Hi am glad to join this site but have problems understanding it. I hope someone can help me out..Thank You :?:

Ok, so I'm Dani (ironic enough), but not *the Dani*, I'm just the MoNkEe ... I'm newly trying to learn Basic, and maybe in a month or so I'll tackle some C++.
My dad's a programmer, some of you probably played his games waybackwhen, so you'd figure I'd know more, but never really got into being interested in it till recently. I've known HTML for about ten years now. Don't have a website up right now, haven't had time to work on one for a while. But could still just as easily write out one on a notepad any day lol... :)

Mainly I'm here looking for some QBASic help, and who knows what else, cause who knows where this crazy world wide web might take me... ;)

- MoNkEe -

Hey there Dani but not me. Welcome to the site. Hope you find what you're looking for here. So your dad's a programmer, eh? So what sorta games did he develop? ;)

hi cscgal

though im no GEEK meslf, i do some programming in java & vb. i joined up today looking fr some specific answers in java rmi. let me see if i can find them! :)

thnks fr the at-first-sight winderful site and forums.

Hi everyone. Thought I'd come and introduce myself, since I'm new. Well.. I'm Liz. I'm a 19 yr college student, majoring in Web Development; but I want to go into business as a web admin for smaller companies that can't hire expensive people to set up and run websites for them. That's pretty much it, anything else you want to know.. Just ask.

Hey there Dani but not me. Welcome to the site. Hope you find what you're looking for here. So your dad's a programmer, eh? So what sorta games did he develop? ;)

LOL..... ever play any of Scott Adams Grand Adventures? Late 70's early 80's, as I understand it he was the first to put adventure games on the personal computer. Which of course is why I'm trying to do the text-based game for his birthday :) ..... LOL, which was the other day, but hey, you know how deadlines can be im sure... lol :)

Ok, so I'm Dani (ironic enough)

Oh no! Not another Dani! What's this world coming to! :cool: Anywho, glad to have you and the new members aboard. I hope you like it here. Have fun and watnot.

Hi, I'm testjack.....I would like to learn to program in Visual Basic and I guess I need to learn a little basic 1st. I am just floundering on where to start. Any suggestions on a good book to start with? Something simple like maybe a for Dummies type of text?

I hope I am in the right place for this.

Hi cscgal
Do you know of any place on the net I might find info on programming clubs or groups in my area?

testjack, it's better if you create a new thread in the appropriate forum if you want to get more responses. This is an introduction thread after all.

Well... here I am. Great forums! I am a member of a few and this one has a good feel to it.

I am just picking up I have created a few asp 3.0 sites, but am always looking for anew challenge, so .net it is.

I will help out those I can. I have background in CSS, ASP, PHP(very little), SQL, DB Design, and good old html.

Looking forward to chating with you all,


Hi everyone. My name is Tim Cummings. I'm currently getting my Bachelors degree in Information Systems Security. This site is so full of information that it's intoxicating. I hope that I can gain a lot of knowledge from all of these smart people that contribute here as well as share some of my own knowledge with others. This is an impressive site to be sure. My main areas of expertise are in Windows OS's, but I really like Linux a lot. I'm just not as experienced with what's under the hood (so to speak) with Linux, but I'm learning.


Hey there Jason and Tim! Tim, thanks so much again for your generous donation to DaniWeb.

You're very welcome Dani! It's the least I could do for such a great site.

Hey there Jason and Tim! Tim, thanks so much again for your generous donation to DaniWeb.

Welcome everyone! Hope you enjoy your stay here and remember there are no dumb questions.

Well, I'll throw my introduction up here... I'm hardly a lurker... I found the site a few days ago, looking for a decent Ada Forum. (Finally went to Usenet for that.) I joined, and have been putting my two cents in wherever I felt it was appropriate.

You'll notice in my signature a reference to Uncreative Labs, that's a website that I'm developing with 5 other people. We ran in to some hosting problems and were down about 6 months, so there's a lot of faithful people that don't know we're back. I'm hoping to find some of our "lost sheep" here and there... The site is about old "classic" computers, as well as helping out with new. We hope to keep the site free of annoying graphics and provide information presented in a easily read form. So far, we're succeeding.

Hi Puckdropper, I hope you enjoy your stay here.

Hiya All,

Nice forum that I found from SEO Guy's SERPS page. I've posted a few times on the VB board, and I hope I can be of some help to the people there.

I'm a shareware author in my spare time, and a mech engineer in my work time. I'm hoping one day that the shareware will become work time instead.

Anyways, hi!

Nice to meet you mark, enjoy your stay at the forums :)

Hey mnemtsas! Hope to see you around our site promotion forums :)

I have only had this computor for a few weeks,I don't know anything
about them,no lessons or anything!things have started going wrong,I have lost my browser?I keep having to conect all the time,I am unable to link on
to any links sent to my outlook express,and are unable to use sites,I was
enjoying before I done stuff everything up!!!!Can anyone please help me put things right again?Remember I am a real dumb Dumb,when it comes to this......PLEASE HELP ME!!!!

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