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College Student, Contractor

88 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for Dani

Hello all, I'm Eric from Bradford, Massachusetts. I've been lurking in the forums for a few days, but I hadn't gone in the Coffee House yet... :rolleyes: Well, about me. I just finished my Junior year in high school, I've known HTML for about a year, PHP since November last …

Member Avatar for jamesjoseph1
Member Avatar for samaru

Well, the hardest thing I've ever made would have to be the programming language I invented in April this year. It's a very low-level two-dimensional progamming language for DOS that compiles to around 3K for most programs. It can do self-modifying code, PUT/GET in it's little world of two-dimensional memory, …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for Asif_NSU

[QUOTE=Chainsaw]anything more than HALF 123 can't divide into it evenly[/QUOTE] Actually, you only have to go up to the square root of the number. If the number is a square, you'll get it, and if it isn't, you'll get one factor of each possible set, which is enough.

Member Avatar for Djoooleee
Member Avatar for Yzk
Member Avatar for brahle

brahle, just give up. Narue knows her stuff. BTW Narue, did you give up on IRC?

Member Avatar for neithan
Member Avatar for happygeek

> these are exactly the kind of computers being put to use by the bad guys in decoding those stolen databases of encrypted (salted but not hashed) usernames and passwords that you read about in the news. Sorry, that's absolutely not how encryption works. Salting only means anything in the …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for TheNNS

[QUOTE=jwenting;289593]You're both despicable. You're destroying company property and wasting company time. You should both be fired on the spot.[/QUOTE] Yeah, you guys really are not being professional. Tell him it's gone too far and you're done. If he does not fix your computer's problems, report him.

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for Rik_
Member Avatar for hexstar

No, I haven't seen any. I've heard that it's a great deal of fun to read though; it's full of poorly written code and profane comments. I'm somewhat leery of trying to find it - it is probably as illegal as things get...

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for smithag261

Sure... ;) VB Code: [CODE] Function sumFirstLast(number As Integer) As Integer Dim numberString As String numberString = Abs(number) & "" sumFirstLast = Val(Mid(numberString, 1, 1)) + Val(Mid(numberString, Len(numberString), 1)) End Function [/CODE]

Member Avatar for arkoenig
Member Avatar for dlh6213

Yes, you're right about what thumbs.db is. I delete them every once in awhile (in small directories) when I find them, but I've found that they are often more useful than harmful. They use some space, yes, but if it's in a directory of images (with unhelpful names mind you), …

Member Avatar for jeffdes
Member Avatar for kc0arf

Pancakes - fluffy but not weak, and not strangely tasting of buttermilk. Ingredients: [list] [*]6.75 cups flour [*]0.875 cups granulated sugar [*]3.75 teaspoons salt [*]3.75 tablespoons baking powder [*]5.25 cups milk [*]0.74 cups oil [*]4 large eggs [*]REAL maple syrup [/list] Mix dry and wet ingredients thoroughly (separately). Mix dry …

Member Avatar for pogson
Member Avatar for Natique

First, one does not tell Narue to 'get over herself'. Narue knows what she is doing. Two, if you want to write shoddy code that ignores problems and processes a CSV file, just go learn perl voluntarily and label yourself as someone who likes bad solutions to simple problems, rather …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Aigini

Oh no! You're unqualified for your job, which is basically [b]googling technician[/b]. Quick, post "How I sysadmin a com-pu-tar!?!?" to a forum until someone gives you the answer!

Member Avatar for Toba
Member Avatar for happygeek

There is nothing that can be done about this from the technical side. It will always be possible. If you lock down the computers to the point that they can't do this, they won't be able to get any work done either.

Member Avatar for Gilette
Member Avatar for happygeek

As pty said, KDE 4 will be brand new when 8.04 comes out. It is not going to be a well known and tested platform yet. That said, KDE 4 has a number of great improvements over KDE 3.5, and I'm sure it will be well accepted by the open …

Member Avatar for micky0604
Member Avatar for happygeek

[quote]but, as I use my personal computers for developing open-source software, listening to music, and chatting on forums, and I DO believe in the general goodness of people... I'm not all that concerned.[/quote] Worms don't care what they have. They just want another member for their zombie horde.

Member Avatar for Riv3n
Member Avatar for John A

[quote]Now although some might say that the reason Linux can be difficult is because Unix is difficult. But wait. Isn't MS-DOS very similar to Unix? Before Windows was created, most people used DOS. It worked alright. So about the only difference between MS-DOS and Unix is that the commands are …

Member Avatar for Toba
Member Avatar for happygeek

The US pirate party wants to reform copyright law, not eliminate it. jwenting: you remind me of something from IRC... [CODE]* BluD goes off to burn some DVD's <Daishi> Pirate. <@BluD> ... <@BluD> Hard drive backup DVD's <@BluD> not movie ones... <Daishi> Too bad. <jtwenting> no, very good <jtwenting> they …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

I'll go out on a limb and say that many of the bugs and problems to do with Linux legacy hardware compatibility stem from kernel development. The driver and module architecture of Linux changes from time to time IIRC. Somewhat disturbing, but I'm sure it'll turn out okay.

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for jbennet
Re: C++

I learned C++ 5 years ago from [u]Accelerated C++[/u] by Koenig and Moo. It's pretty good, and gets you introduced to the language relatively quickly (it's not a really thick book).

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula

Dave, Yes, second hand smoke is bad. No, I do not agree with you on 'supply and demand' for whether it should be allowed. It's downright harmful, and nonsmoking sections are never fully clear of smoke. Christina, Yes, I agree. Smoking is very unattractive. sk8ndestroy, While I agree with the …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Comatose

[QUOTE=The Dude;803876] Dani thinks alot like me (Maybe cause we are both Libra's) [/QUOTE] Astrology is a good strategy for use on internet forums for deciding who you should align yourself with, especially when you don't actually understand what is going on.

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for tech291083

To say that one is a developer to a degree because you're testing a system is not a valid point at all. Release (not development) versions of kernels, especially those picked up and used by distributions, almost never have bugs that crop up and cause any serious issues. You could …

Member Avatar for Toba
Member Avatar for DanceInstructor
Member Avatar for seanerwin2004

Yes. [URL=][/URL] BTW, my skype ID is Toba82.

Member Avatar for sistie23
Member Avatar for tuxworld

You need to show the window before you move it around, otherwise you'll just see where it ends up.

Member Avatar for Toba
Member Avatar for darkagn

I already knew the answer, but I scrolled down to see if there was a stupid statement at the bottom. Predictably, there was.

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for tech291083

The End.