I received the following email the other day and thought it was worth sharing. I chuckled but maybe it's just my stupid sense of humour... :twisted:


Are you male or female?

Look down...

I said look down not scroll down!!!

Ancient Dragon commented: Very true! +20

haha that is pretty good.

What am I supposed to look at?

What am I supposed to look at?

Some of us sit in front of the computer in our birthday suits. Then looking down works well, unless you sport a pot belly.

I both looked lower and scrolled the page. So I win, right? :P

I already knew the answer, but I scrolled down to see if there was a stupid statement at the bottom. Predictably, there was.

So you prooved it....big deal buddy...congrats!

Power failure!


My bank couldn't cash my paycheck with the power out. They couldn't open the cash drawers.

My handwriting is getting worse day by day.

>My bank couldn't cash my paycheck with the power out. They couldn't open the cash drawers.

They don't have a button?

My handwriting is getting worse day by day.


My handwriting is getting worse day by day.

My handwriting has always been rubbish :P

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Our Character is also depend on our Handwriting..its true.

Our Character is also depend on our Handwriting..its true.

I don't have handwriting.

And I have more character than all of you combined!!!!!!

>My bank couldn't cash my paycheck with the power out. They couldn't open the cash drawers.

They don't have a button?

It's electric.

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