148 Topics

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Member Avatar for NoCodeMonkey

I’m in my second year of Computer Systems Technology – Networking course and I’m thinking of trying to find a job as a student to try to get more into my field and gain real world experience. I never had a job yet and never worked in an IT environment. …

Member Avatar for ChrisHunter
Member Avatar for sachinT

Hi Dear All frined I look to make my career in linux programming( C, PHP ),so please suggest me about scope of this line , study materila, companies whree it is use. Thanks sachin T

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for kenth21v

I am a fresh graduate of B.S. Information Technology. I am using VB.net in programming for almost 2 years now. But I want to level up in a way that someone can hire me to be a real programmer. My question is, how can I entitle my self as a …

Member Avatar for ObSys
Member Avatar for hsthompson

Hi. I'm Mike, a developer in Los Angeles, working for a small company. Quick question: I want to write something that's potentially a contract job posting (at the company I work for), but really the project isn't defined well enough yet for me to be comfortable handing it off, saying …

Member Avatar for hsthompson
Member Avatar for dereknewland

What, in your opinion, is the best route to becoming a network engineer these days? Here are some observations on why I am asking this: - Software Defined Networking: With SDN becoming supported by so many vendors and implementations by large companies, it seems that it is surely going to …

Member Avatar for goatnetworking
Member Avatar for osamabin.idrees

hi everybody,i know c very well and now a days learning java myself. i have decided to choose a main field as my carrer.i am just confused to selct among these fields. 1-php(i am most intrested in it) : i know there is big oppurtunity in job market but i …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The results from what is claimed to be the most comprehensive global online job trends survey, the 'Fast 50' Q2 2012 report took data from 190,000 online job postings as an indicator of the global online employment economy. Some of the findings are surprising to say the least, such as …

Member Avatar for justinbob
Member Avatar for totalwar235

I have been very interested in getting a masters in computer science, not just because it looks good but it will give me more experience and more time for job hunting. I learned from my uncle that he actually got a free ride for his masters and phd in areo …

Member Avatar for jenni01
Member Avatar for keval007

Hi, I am new to Unix environment. Any one can explain how I can set CRON job to run PHP script. Thanks.

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for ofir0803

Hi I find it hard to define the** job title **for this job. On the one hand this is a client side developer, but on the other hand the job responsibility's are much more then that. can you help me define a job title for those responsibility's at our Operations …

Member Avatar for neatric
Member Avatar for lokis
Member Avatar for nuclear

I have no working experience but i do have some knowledge in programming and web development. Note that i cant work at a company or such right now so i think freelancing is the best choise for me. I think it's much better to list what kind of projects and …

Member Avatar for nuclear
Member Avatar for themenucha

Hi! I'm trying to emplement the job queue. Somehow i can't initialize it: the queue is empty `Inline Code Example Here` //INCLUDES #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <semaphore.h> #include <pthread.h> //GLOBALS pthread_mutex_t job_queue_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; int i; #define N_threads 10 int val=0; //STRUCTURES typedef struct job { int data; struct …

Member Avatar for histrungalot
Member Avatar for happygeek

Although you may not realise it, dear coder, you apparently have the best job in America. At least that's what the newly published [2012 Jobs Rated Report](http://www.careercast.com/jobs-rated) reckons. The CareerCast research shows that for the second year running the best job in the US is a software engineer. Not surprisingly …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for nekoleon64

[ICODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; void GetRoomTiles(int WidthFeet, int WidthInches, int &TotalWidth, int LengthFeet, int LengthInches, int &TotalLength, int TileSize, int &RoomTiles); void GetTotalTiles(int RoomTiles, int &TotalTiles); void GetNumberOfBoxes(int TotalTiles, int TileBoxes, int &ExtraTiles, int &NumberOfBoxes); int main() { int NumberOfRooms; int TileSize; int WidthFeet, WidthInches, TotalWidth; int LengthFeet, LengthInches, …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for happygeek

The biggest heroes and villains in IT history have been revealed as the results of a new poll are published. Perhaps rather surprisingly, Steve Jobs is just as hated as Bill Gates and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is more hated than both of them. But that's just where the shock …

Member Avatar for Punny
Member Avatar for mbrand

Just wanted to introduce myself. I worked at Microsoft and Amazon.com, amongst other companies in various capacities. I now recruit for a really, really cool company. • 22 developers • 80 gigabits/sec video streaming • 600 million PHP requests/day • 35 million uniques...day! • 10 million registered users We are …

Member Avatar for drico7041

Do you have to be like a master programmer in a certain language to land a job in this field?

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for acidplasm

Hi Everyone, Everyone likes talking about what distro they use at home, what about what distro of Linux or UNIX is best to learn as a young tech admin. I am currently heavily into AIX with some Red Hat and Suse experience. I am noticing a large shift to Linux …

Member Avatar for nicentral
Member Avatar for king03

I will go straight to the point, I have failed 9 subjects and I am in my third year in college. I am taking up information technology and right now I kind of feel down because I'm worried that no one's going to hire me, during my 2nd year in …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for trivikrama

Hi all, I am web developer in an organization. I started my career as a PHP developer, I was working on Wordpress. Now I want to learn new things in PHP other than wordpress. Please suggest me what should I do for better career opportunities. Thanks, Trivikram.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for WolfShield

So today I made a realization in my programming hobby, I LOVE making the User Interfaces of programs. The core stuff I usually lose interest in, but I could program GUIs all day long and not get tired of it. This made me quite happy to finally realize. So, my …

Member Avatar for WolfShield
Member Avatar for levsha

I am totally new to the SEO world. I got a client though, for whom I am doing SEO. He has a laundry/dry clean/moving/shoe repair kind of business and a website for it. I have no idea how much I should charge him. Also I am not sure whether it …

Member Avatar for Celier
Member Avatar for klemme

Hi everyone, I have made a script which logs the users ip into a table. Here is the table: [CODE] ID - PKEY A.INC IP - VARCHAR ENTERED - TIMESTAMP [/CODE] What I would like to happen is that after a row has been inserted, I want to set up …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for Ozwalt

This is great that so many folks respond so honestly and clearly to posts from clueless people like me. So, thanks in advance for setting me straight. I'm in my 40's and looking for a career change. I've always had an interest in tech, but real-world experience is fairly slim …

Member Avatar for Smeagel13
Member Avatar for mshahidali

Earn Extra money from your home by doing ad posting jobs with Virtual online Jobs. 101% guarantee of income of your work. Earn per ad post you did. For More info and advertise your website visit: [url]http://adf.ly/2yWrC[/url]

Member Avatar for eddie3377

Hello, I have decided to become an IT Professional. My financial Aid counselor ask me to interview 3 IT Professionals...I don't know any IT Professionals. Please Help me with these 3 Questions. You are also welcome to contribute a short paragraph of any other information about yourself, career, job satisfaction …

Member Avatar for PepperAdmi
Member Avatar for EddieC

Craigslist hosts classified ads of all kinds, including lengthy lists of [url=http://newyork.craigslist.org/sof/]developer's jobs in New York[/url] and the [url=http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sof/]San Francisco Bay area[/url]. But another type of job listing was in the spotlight today, and it's nice to know there's at least [i]one[/i] person out there who's thinking clearly. A judge …

Member Avatar for maile15
Member Avatar for P.manidas

Dear Sir/Madam, I am a B.A. graduate from Guwahati University of Assam, India and having one year Diploma course in Computer Application. I have assist in developing a Library Management System which is running smoothly in various colleges in Assam, India. And have developed some non-commercial software for personal excellence …

Member Avatar for P.manidas
Member Avatar for Pritz

I am interested in hiring a software developer but I do not know what should I be asking for when I post the job. My project consists in developing a software that can analyze an edge-matching puzzle game of my invention to produce as many possible solutions numbered, and also …

Member Avatar for Momerath

The End.