hello dear people, these days, im about to choose the career i'll be seeking after my bachelors degree, i have huge interests in game development, and have infact started out towards it, but one thing that i am affraid of is that i have absolutely no mathematical skills (i mean other than simple algebra and very basic operations on matrices, so that means that i have no knowledge of differential equations, numerical analysis, advanced matrices, or any advanced mathematics). i would like to ask, with this current situation of my mathematical abilities (which have no chances of improvement either) will i able to do good in game development? i do have quite good programming logics/abilities though and have developed/replicated starter games like pacman but till here i havent made use of(or havent required) any serious mathematics. so im a little confused here. i do hope experts here will help me out.

Basic algebra will get you pretty far with most types of software... but not as much with games. If you really have no interest in learning more math, expect to rely heavily on third-party libraries that take care of the details for you, especially when it comes to graphics.

so with my current situation what do u suggest, shud i seek game development as a career or not? (coz right now i can make the change in direction, i dont wanna waste my time after my bachelors degree.)

with this current situation of my mathematical abilities (which have no chances of improvement either) will i able to do good in game development?

Probably not. There are just too many other programmers out there with much better math skills who are also competing for game development jobs.

You might try freelancing -- that is, working for yourself. Here are a few useful suggestions.

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