148 Topics
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Last week, The Linux Foundation [URL="http://www.linuxfoundation.org/node/5716"]launched[/URL] it's new Linux Jobs board and normally, I applaud anything that [URL="http://www.linuxfoundation.org"]The Linux Foundation[/URL] (TLF) does but not this time. And I think it's great that TLF has a [URL="http://jobs.linux.com"]job board[/URL] on [URL="http://www.linux.com"]Linux.com[/URL], however, the execution lacks the luster I've come to expect from … | |
Hello, my name is Derek and I'm a geek. I've been playing with computers for about 10 years now. I'm 23 and I am not sure which area of IT I would like to specialize in. I hope some of you may have some advice for me. Background I convinced … | |
According to the British government organisation which helps UK-based companies to succeed in the wider global economy, UK Trade & Investment ([URL="http://www.uktradeinvest.gov.uk"]UKTI[/URL]), it is currently helping some 76 UK companies pitch for business with the European particle physics laboratory, CERN. Apparently, CERN spent a massive £110 million ($175.75 million) on … | |
hi,I'm about to move to Vancouver Canada in the next four month. does anybody here know a good web site to start looking for a job. | |
This is a bit off topic, but times are tough and money is money. There's an opportunity to earn between US$10 and $20 an hour working for the [U.S. Census Bureau](http://2010.census.gov/2010censusjobs/) for the 2010 population count. And after seeing number of hits that "[Craigslist: Developer's Jobs and Other Jobs](http://www.daniweb.com/news/story232973.html)" generated, … | |
my api parsing script has dynamic url, like scriptname.php?limit=100 here this last 100 will change;varying from 0 to the number of lines from the file returned by first cron. And i want to this script to execute as a cron job, but how this parameter 'limit' i should handle. any … | |
We all know that any lead helps with this economy. Online job boards are full of job seekers who are really looking. But I read on a site about how social media has helped job seekers find jobs. There are many job related twitter accounts and also other karma related … | |
Is there a stimulus package on the way for those who use Linux and Open Source Software? You bet there is but it might not come from where you'd expect. Too many wasted stimulus dollars have already rained down upon those who wasted their own money but this time it'll … | |
Having already been accused of [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/23321/1231/"]killing common sense[/URL] with some bizarre App Store [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2009/02/10/apple-bans-bouncing-barack-and-trouserless-bill/"]listing decisions[/URL], now it seems that an Apple sans Steve Jobs could be treading the path towards total market madness. Apple is displaying all the signs of losing the plot: announcing a raft of new desktops just … | |
Here's some good news for a change: Linux-related jobs are on the rise. According to the freelance marketplace, [URL="http://www.odesk.org"]Odesk[/URL], the number of Linux jobs has increased more than 1,400% since 2006. This sharp increase as raised some eyebrows over at [URL="http://www.linuxfoundation.org"]The Linux Foundation[/URL] and they're responding appropriately. The Linux Foundation … | |
Everyone is talking about how open source technology is the answer to budget cuts and belt tightening in the workplace. There's no denying its use is on the rise and, in fact, the Linux server market is predicted to extend into the tens of billions over the next few years. … | |
If you've been following this blog for any length of time, you know I focus a lot on employment -- or lack thereof -- in the tech sector. I'm always on the lookout for ways IT professionals can get additional skills or enhance the ones they have, so I feel … | |
Remember last month when DaniWeb [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3847.html"]reported[/URL] how some 1400 jobs were to be lost at Microsoft? These losses forming the first part of a plan to trim costs which would see a total of 5000 Microsofties facing the axe. Well now, in the most bizarre of twists, it seems that … | |
As layoffs mount in every industry across the nation, there's no shortage of advice on how to avoid or cope with them. Suggestions range from taking some time off to catch your breath to jumping right back on the in the saddle after your last paycheck clears. It's difficult to … | |
It’s a big bag, if a mixed one, for the financial markets and for technology companies today. Overall, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 42 points, buoyed somewhat by (finally) some good economic news. Check out Monday’s housing sales numbers, which unexpectedly rose off of record lows. Also, a … | |
There’s a lot of news coming out of the technology sector today. Let’s start with Apple and the growing chorus among shareholders for an SEC review. Bloomberg has the story this morning, and it has to be at least slightly troublesome for the Apple brain trust. Says Bloomberg; "U.S. regulators … | |
Apple shares have fallen, although not as steeply as many traders had imagined, after CEO Steve Jobs announced that he was taking a six-month medical leave of absence. My first reaction was surprise. Six months? That sounded serious. Then disgust, as Internet trolls had Jobs on his death bed. As … | |
A wild news day for tech stocks, with Sony posting its first quarterly loss in 14 years and rumors running rampant that Microsoft will start laying off employees after all. A week or so ago, Microsoft issued a statement saying that the company would avoid layoffs, and would instead focus … | |
A new [URL="http://www.e-janco.com/Salary.htm"]study[/URL] by Janco Associates, Inc. is full of gloom-and-doom about the state of employment in the IT industry. A year-long survey of U.S. and Canadian businesses indicates a combination of job outsourcing, layoffs, and other cost-cutting measures have led to the worst job market IT professionals have seen … | |
According to numerous [URL="http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/technology/article5429969.ece"]reports[/URL] that is exactly what is being suggested. If the axe does fall, then it will be the first time that the company has had to make any really major cuts in the workforce during it's 32 year history. Of course, there has been no official confirmation … | |
Martin Sosnoff, writing in Forbes.com today, offers one of the most comprehensive, clear-minded takes on the U.S. economy in 2009. He’s not bullish on tech stocks – yet – but he is cheerleading the biotechnology sector, which could offer investors some significant upside in a year where profits will come … | |
If you're a tech worker that's been recently laid-off, [URL="http://www.alleyinsider.com/2008/12/seeking-laid-off-tech-workers"]Silicon Alley Insider wants to talk to you[/URL]. Beware, though, what they're asking isn't for the faint of heart. The Web site is planning to chronicle the follies and foibles of five people searching for new jobs in the tech sector. … | |
No matter which political camp in which you choose to pitch your tent, it's hard to deny that technology is at the heart of President-Elect Barack Obama new plans for the United States. As we learn more about what ideas he has in mind to strengthen the economy and gird … | |
An new [URL="http://www.deloitte.com/dtt/press_release/0,1014,sid%253D2834%2526cid%253D237066,00.html"]study[/URL] by London-based Deloitte and the Cranfield School of Management validates what CIOs have known all along: "You're out of the loop, and when we want your opinion we'll tell you what it is." CIOs are caught in a tough situation right now. Technology is emerging at a … | |
[I]A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. ~Mark Twain. [/I] This week we learned what can happen when Citizen Journalism runs amok when an untrue rumor began circulating that Apple CEO had suffered a severe heart attack. As soon as … | |
ZDnet's Deb Perelman asks if it's a good idea to ask IT job candidates to [URL="http://blogs.zdnet.com/careers/?p=178"]prove they've got the technical chops[/URL] to do the job they're after. You bet your server farm it is. Perelman says, "...increasingly, IT professionals are asked to take some sort of test when they go … | |
Yesterday I wrote that Apple was having some legal woes attached to its i-Phone. It seems users who travel overseas may be hit with whopping long distance charges. If the day's bad press bothered Apple CEO Steve Jobs, he's certainly not showing it. In fact, he followed up on the … | |
OK, so that would just be silly, would it not? Nobody in their right minds would accept a job working in IT on Mars. Yet so far 70 people have applied to the [URL="http://www.imbp.ru/Mars500/Proj_M500-e.html"]Mars-500[/URL] project in Russia, for the unusual position (literally) of an IT Manager willing to be sealed … |
The End.