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71 Posted Topics
Re: Im not to sure how to code a program to change your ip address, If I were to say you probably have to use asp.net or similar web development language that supports interconnectivity. If you dont need to change it for every site, you could just use a proxy which … | |
Re: Deathcore. I used to be into Metalcore but have now got onto the death genre more or less the technical & core side of death | |
What are interfaces main purposes and what features do they offer to give us a solid reason to use them? | |
I am learning about unit testing using the NUnit framework. I built a monopoly game in a console application and am now conducting unit tests for each class. I am struggling with writing a test for my game class that only takes 1 method: public abstract class Game: GameInterface { … | |
I am learning about design patterns in C# specifically the Bridge pattern. The GoF definition for the pattern states "Seerates an objects interface from its implementation". I have a question: Isnt an implementation of the interface always seperate from the interface itself? What exactly does the definition mean? Thankyou | |
I have been thinking about life in general and how it can be compared to programming. In my view the point of programming is the ability to manipulate and/or control computer systems. We as humans are 'programmed' in a way that the governments can control us into slavery i.e the … | |
Why do we use interface references to call methods of an object? For example: class Program : Iabc, Idef { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello interfaces"); Program refProgram = new Program(); Iabc refiabc = refProgram; refiabc.xyz(); Idef refidef = refProgram; refidef.pqr(); Console.ReadLine(); } public void pqr() { Console.WriteLine("In pqr"); … | |
Do we really need accrediated education to effectivly have the expected experience and/or knowledge in a chosen field? For instance can we learn more from doing a course in programming than we can from learning ourselves? I see the benefits in both: **Accerdited course** - Have an experienced tutor - … | |
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Im am having abit of trouble with a while loop. I have this method which determines wether or not the entered year is a leap year, the while loop is intended to keep asking the user for another year until he/shes wishes to exit the program. Here is my method: … | |
What are interfaces main purposes and what features do they offer to give us a solid reason to use them? | |
Why do you use Private fields in a class if an outside class can change the private fields using get and set properties? | |
When would you use an interface over an abstract class vise versa? | |
**Please note that I am not asking for an answer to the exercise just abit more explanation** I have this question that I do not understand. Using a class to wrap simple stream input (InputWrapper.cs) modify following program to calculate area of a triangle given base and height using System; … | |
I have a form that asks the user to enter in an exam id that they want to delete from the exam table in the DB. The problem I am having is that even if the user enters in an id that does not match in the DB the script … ![]() | |
I am learning about cross-side scripting and have made a simple html page along with a php page to return the data entered <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Inject</title> </head> <body> <form name = "MyForm" id = "MyForm" method = "POST" action = "handle.php"> <label name = "MyLabel" id = "MyLabel" … | |
Email encryption uses digital certificates to authenticate, encrypt and decrypt the message. When a message is encrypted, the public key to decrypt it is sent along with the message to the recipient, the recipient then uses the public key to decrypt the message. If the message was intercepted couldnt the … | |
I am doing a little home project to learn more about collections and FileIO. I have made a little racing app where the user enters the racers details all of which are strings, and these details are inserted into a List<T> list and then once the user clicks the 'save' … | |
I have been learning about collections such as arrays and arraylists and lists and have come across the term "interface" a fair bit. I know that an IList is an "interface" but I dont understand what an interface is or does. 1. What is an interface in C#? 2. How … | |
What is the difference between an enum and an array? with both you can store elements the main difference between arrays and enums are that enums are not index based wereas arrays are, that is all I know. So I have a few questions 1. How do we use enums? … | |
I have been learning about the collections namespace in C# so have been doing some little self-made projects to learn. I have made a car race app where you enter in the name, car and place of the racer this is then stored in an array list. I can extract … | |
I have a few general questions about the Collections class in C#:" 1. Because all elements in an ArrayList are stored as objects do we need to cast them into their respective types before extracting? 2. Array lists are used if the size is adjusted accordinly to elements added and … | |
In this link what exactly does 'skip_api_login' and 'api_key' mean? https://www.facebook.com/login.php?skip_api_login=1&api_key=143103275748075&signed_next=1&next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fv1.0%2Fdialog%2Foauth%3Fredirect_uri%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fstatic.ak.facebook.com%252Fconnect%252Fxd_arbiter%252FbLBBWlYJp_w.js%253Fversion%253D41%2523cb%253Df28f4529cc%2526domain%253Dwoobox.com%2526origin%253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwoobox.com%25252Ff3f142e898%2526relation%253Dopener%2526frame%253Df3c3671928%26display%3Dpopup%26scope%3Duser_likes%26response_type%3Dtoken%252Csigned_request%26domain%3Dwoobox.com%26client_id%3D143103275748075%26ret%3Dlogin%26sdk%3Djoey&cancel_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.ak.facebook.com%2Fconnect%2Fxd_arbiter%2FbLBBWlYJp_w.js%3Fversion%3D41%23cb%3Df28f4529cc%26domain%3Dwoobox.com%26origin%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwoobox.com%252Ff3f142e898%26relation%3Dopener%26frame%3Df3c3671928%26error%3Daccess_denied%26error_code%3D200%26error_description%3DPermissions%2Berror%26error_reason%3Duser_denied%26e2e%3D%257B%257D&display=popup | |
If I have an array and an array list: int[] myArray = new int[2]; myArray[0] = 1; myArray[1] = 2; ArrayList myArrayList = new ArrayList(); myArrayList.Add("1st element"); myArrayList.AddRange(myArray); By calling the Addrange() method in myArrayList, does this add the contents of myArray to the second element of myArrayList? If so … | |
Re: We are coming closer to be able to hack the human brain, we can control robots with our brain so maby you can write some code to heal things :) Get better soon! | |
Is it possible to create an encryption algorith using C#? | |
I have just started my third year of my Bachelors degree in IT. I am enjoying programming and would like to take my interest with programming further. The main reason I enjoy programming is because of the fact that your mind is the limit of what you can create and … | |
What is the difference between Code Inline and Code Behind? As the names suggest I would presume that Code Inline refers to code that is in the same file as the .aspx and Code Behind refers to code that is in a seperate file. Im not too sure if thats … | |
Re: Here I think I have solved your problem bool ShowSomeEffort; if(!ShowSomeEffort) { MessageBox.Show("Show some effort that you have tried to solve this yourself and we will be glad to help"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Tell us what you need help with below"); } |
The End.