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amateur programmer, self taught with some experience in C#, Flash,, and java script.

I spend all my free time creating Flash animations, web pages in ASP, creating Images in photoshop or…
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374 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

I am working on a combination productivity and source/version control app. One of the features i would like to add might sound crazy, but I would like to substitute the User's windows Desktop folder with the project files "Working Directory" That way, until the the software is exited, or the …

Member Avatar for Kelly_5
Member Avatar for avirag

[QUOTE] # if (ctrControl.Controls.Count > 0) # { # //Call itself to get all other controls in other containers # ClearForm(ctrControl); # } [/QUOTE] That's clever. Gets all the child controls.

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for iConqueror

It's different on a per language basis, but in most languages: Braces {} are generally for object notation and grouping. they define an object. Such as when you use them to define a class, enum, stuct ect. Or for enclosing a memeber or code group, such as a method or …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for chathuD

[CODE]System.IO.File.Move(path, path2);[/CODE] might want to do some error checking too. but that's it.

Member Avatar for lucysome
Member Avatar for JiThU89

Using resources can be easily updated if you use an "languages" dll and have your app check for update versions from a webserver. but the XML approach isn't a bad one, just its important for speed that you don't access the file every time you need the information. Disk access …

Member Avatar for doxa.paradoxa
Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

![63e834471f9c1463ee1caed517a7fbf1](/attachments/small/1/63e834471f9c1463ee1caed517a7fbf1.jpg "align-right") I'm working on an a windows phone project where I need to support fully transparent backgrounds in my controls to overlay ontop of dynamic image. I want to use this "new item" path I created to show how many updates an item has. I attached an image showing …

Member Avatar for Rajeev Kumar_1
Member Avatar for pratikasthana17

You have 3 options, use a gsm modem and pay a phone company for its service, pay for a sms gateway in which the company that you pay for that will give you api examples. or the most practical is to send emails to the SMSEmail gateways, the only problem …

Member Avatar for szurcsii
Member Avatar for dip7

you need to be connected to the net via a GSM modem. many cell phones support this feature. keep in mind though. its not free. never is. those networks are owned by phone companies. so although you can write apps that interact with their systems. ultimately you are a customer. …

Member Avatar for szurcsii
Member Avatar for funfullson

That soundplayer class in the namespace is basically an interlop class that calls this very api. There's nothing wrong with using it. The reason it doesn't work appears to be the command strings. But the link ange1ofD4rkness posted is a great code snippet and if you search the DaniWeb …

Member Avatar for Sri Harsha
Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

I needed a 5 minute countdown for a project I was working on so I hacked this up, It does nothing more and nothing less. Figured I would post it while I was here to save someone else the trouble. (Not that it's in anyway difficult to do.)

Member Avatar for kplcjl
Member Avatar for glad024

Don't you love those people who obviously just joined the forum for the single purpose of asking a complicated question in a manner that makes it seem just a simple as "which way is the bathroom?" Reminds me of when I first started programming. Once you get into the mindset. …

Member Avatar for ChrisHunter
Member Avatar for komino

Sounds like homework :) lol. This is so easy. rig up your mouse down and mouse up events and create class variables of type Point. Then get the mouse coordinates with the event arguments on mouse down, save it to the first. then on mouse up get the mouse coordinates …

Member Avatar for Texada
Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

A couple of months ago I had wanted to keep a form active as long as it was visible, I couldn't find any help with this, a couple of forums led me into the dirt, as everything they suggested failed. I decided against the feature, but not before I found …

Member Avatar for chrisrmead
Member Avatar for sam63

static methods are used when you will need to access a method from many different classes or forms, you wouldn't want to create an object every time you needed that method. and you certainly wouldn't want to retype or copy and paste the same method into every class you needed …

Member Avatar for MuhammadSaad
Member Avatar for tararakeane

If the items in the list box get hightlight when you hit the keys this sounds like that form isn't getting your keydowns, but the listbox is because its focused. In the designer, click on the form's title bar to select it, then in the property inspector set the form's …

Member Avatar for itzmesurya
Member Avatar for z_zendegi

Welcome my friend to the most complicated question you may have ever asked. but I am here to show you the way! First off, all drawing in GDI+ is done based on pixels... now that means nothing to a printer, because of a little concept called pixel density! better known …

Member Avatar for jz_gook
Member Avatar for NargalaX

That is a pretty good article adatapost, but keep in mind. The problem with "registering" a hot key using those functions, is that there is only 1 windows message for a hotkey that is passed to your application. that is to say if you register 10 different hotkeys, they will …

Member Avatar for Greatis
Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

This simple static class contains a static method called sOnline that accepts a username as a string param. it make a call to an old yahoo api that will determine if a Y! user is online. This only returns true if the user is not using stealth, this will return …

Member Avatar for miladar91
Member Avatar for gbertoli3

directX will play wav files too, and since all your methods do the same thing... you could just have 1 method, playSound, and it would play any sound that your system has a codec for. also, where do you declare the variable "music" in these methods? They are initialized, but …

Member Avatar for Fifth Horseman
Member Avatar for seby_o

Cosmos isn't currently ready for anything real. They just offer you a working project system to encourage people to donate money or help with the project. It doesn't really let you do anything substantial yet.

Member Avatar for ionutica
Member Avatar for user20000

No there is no way to make the browser load the pictures in lower quality as the pictures are just transferred over the network as binary files that the browser then displays. but if you write a tcp request and download the HTML of the page first and use regular …

Member Avatar for crishlay
Member Avatar for Buffalo101

SetForgroundWindow doesn't work the way you think, it used to in older versions of windows, but in xp service pack 3 and newer it just flashes the window on the taskbar unless the parent application of the window already has focus. This was added to keep windows from poping up …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for vegaseat

baeltazor, I see you are accustom to the .net baby sitter as much as I am. :). C and C++ people don't tend to use foreach loops often when the migrate to .net because its only possible in programming languages that use virtual machines like .net's CLR. But it actually …

Member Avatar for anucom
Member Avatar for reanopp

the problem with finding new and interesting ways to hide your data is that in attempts to thwart virus attacks and unwanted software Microsoft has limited the access to many areas of the registry and hard-disk. So that keeps you from getting too creative. there is NO guaranteed way. If …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

I am working on an application where I am presented a string that has some information, its always in the same order, but not always the same length with no special separators, here is an example "May 30 10:08 am ARRIVAL AT UNIT WILMINGTON DE 19850" I need to be …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

I am working on a little USPS tracking class, very simple calls web api returns xml, parses the xml to an object, passes that object back via an event. for some reason I can't seem to get the XML to parse correctly. I there are an unknown amount of a …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

I have an object that i use in a generic list, i need to expose a property in that object that will return the index position of the object in the list plus one. example Items in list myobject1 myobject2 myobject3 myobject2.indexValue would equal 1 any idea how I can …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for C#Jonathan

Its more likely that you have an assembly loaded that relies on the older version of that dll. Don't forget that your project references are important, but many dlls make references of their own that you don't see.

Member Avatar for C#Jonathan
Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

I have hit a slump, my line sorting text program runs out of memory when sorting large files, the answer is using an external merge sort. basically it breaks the file into chunks, sorts them, then loads chunks of the chunks, and sorts them, then some how comes up with …

Member Avatar for stefansavev
Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous

[QUOTE=cipher_nemo;1057454]Here's an even simpler example. You did unnecessary steps that can be avoided, even though yours is a good example. :) Note: "Control" is the name of the object you want to move, so link it up in the Designer area first. [code] private Point pointMouse = new Point(); private …

Member Avatar for vigor

The End.