I'm working through a book and my code is exactly the same as the book but not working correctly. Basically it's a typing game. System adds letters to a listbox which should disappear when I type them. Instead they're highlighting as I type them but are not being removed. I've even copied and pasted the code from the book website (headfirst c#) and it's still misbehaving! I suspect it's to do with a property setting for the timer or form or something?
Anyway here's the code:Form code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Ch4_TypingGame
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        Random random = new Random();
        Stats stats = new Stats();
        public Form1()

        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Add a random key to the ListBox
            listBox1.Items.Add((Keys)random.Next(65, 90));
            if (listBox1.Items.Count > 7)
                listBox1.Items.Add("Game over");

        private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            // If the user pressed a key that's in the ListBox, remove it
            // and then make the game a little faster
            if (listBox1.Items.Contains(e.KeyCode))
                if (timer1.Interval > 400)
                    timer1.Interval -= 10;
                if (timer1.Interval > 250)
                    timer1.Interval -= 7;
                if (timer1.Interval > 100)
                    timer1.Interval -= 2;
                difficultyProgressBar.Value = 800 - timer1.Interval;

                // The user pressed a correct key, so update the Stats object
                // by calling its Update() method with the argument true
                // The user pressed an incorrect key, so update the Stats object
                // by calling its Update() method with the argument false

            // Update the labels on the StatusStrip
            correctLabel.Text = "Correct: " + stats.Correct;
            missedLabel.Text = "Missed: " + stats.Missed;
            totalLabel.Text = "Total: " + stats.Total;
            accuracyLabel.Text = "Accuracy: " + stats.Accuracy + "%";

Stats class code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Ch4_TypingGame
    class Stats
        public int Total = 0;
        public int Missed = 0;
        public int Correct = 0;
        public int Accuracy = 0;

        public void Update(bool correctKey)
            if (!correctKey)
            Accuracy = 100 * Correct / (Missed + Correct);


If the items in the list box get hightlight when you hit the keys this sounds like that form isn't getting your keydowns, but the listbox is because its focused. In the designer, click on the form's title bar to select it, then in the property inspector set the form's "KeyPreview" property to true. This will make the parent form get the key event instead of just the selected control in this case the listbox.

That should do it.

commented: Nice one +6

Thank you so much this was driving me nuts!


I also tried the same code and I am facing the same issue..."KeyPreview" set to true in my case by default. Still its not working the way it should.


I also tried the same code and I am facing the same issue..."KeyPreview" set to true in my case by default. Still its not working the way it should.

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