
My project is scanner for example.


This is my code...

Dim htmlele As HtmlElementCollection
htmlele = WebBrowser1.document.GetElementsByTagName("h3")
For Each htm As HtmlElement In htmlele
	Dim chld As HtmlElementCollection = htm.GetElementsByTagName("a")
	For Each ch As HtmlElement In chld
		Label1.Text = ListBox1.Items.Count & " Bulundu."

but here want to any character then remove..

My english very bad.I'm sorry.

for example


before listbox add, charackter "=" remove then

listbox add ("http://sasqas.com/sadasd=")

how is made?

please help me...

and another question

if listbox in same url then don't add listbox only one url stay

Dim x As String = "http://sasqas.com/sadasd=sdasd"
        MsgBox(x.Substring(0, x.IndexOf("=") + 1)) '// 0=start.index, x.IndexOf...=Length

Very Thks for give answer to me.The code is worked.

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