12 Topics

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Member Avatar for emmanuelkatto

Hi everyone, I am Emmanuel Katto. I'm building a high-traffic web application that requires fast and efficient data retrieval from a relational database. To improve performance, I'm considering implementing a caching layer using Redis. But, I'm not sure about the best approach to design and integrate the caching layer into …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for baig772

I am trying to implement multi authentication in `laravel5.2`. I am following [this article](http://saravanan.tomrain.com/multiauth-in-laravel-5-0/) My **Auth.php** <?php return [ 'multi' => array( 'user' => array( 'driver' => 'eloquent', 'model' => 'App\User', 'table' => 'users', ), 'admin' => array( 'driver' => 'database', 'model' => 'App\Admin', 'table' => 'tbl_admin_user', ) ), 'password' …

Member Avatar for tracyberge
Member Avatar for Dani

Everyone knows that PHP has such a bad rap for so much bad code being out there. I am a firm believer it is not a problem with PHP, itself, but rather the incredibly low barrier to entry (open source, readily available with nearly all web hosting packages, etc.) coupled …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for estherschindler

The job you’re applying for says, “Redis experience required.” Are you ready for the questions a hiring manager is likely to ask? Here’s [how to prepare for the job interview](https://redis.com/blog/redis-interview-questions/)... as inspired by Lord of the Rings. Nominally the article is written for someone getting answers ready for Redis-specific questions, …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for estherschindler

I’m working on a blog post about this topic. I’d love to hear your suggestions! * What book(s) should someone read to come up to speed? * Why do you recommend that one? Note that the books don’t have to be peculiar to Redis. For example, someone suggested *Designing Data-Intensive …

Member Avatar for Vandiun
Member Avatar for Dani

Here is the function that I use here at DaniWeb to manage flood control. It keeps track of how often a specific user or IP address is making a request, and increments a counter. If there have been no requests after 5 minutes, the counter resets to 0. It returns …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for dian_5

QuickRedis is a free forever Redis visual management tool. It supports direct connection, sentinel, and cluster mode, supports multiple languages, supports hundreds of millions of keys, and has an amazing UI. Supports both Windows and Mac platform. Download url: https://github.com/quick123official/quick_redis_blog

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for iqlas

Laravel App checks redis database for data pushed by 3rd Party. Laravel Scheduler runs artisan command `php artisan check:redis` every 10 mins. I am expecting about 20k records to be checked every hour at peak times. Please also suggest me if my whole approach as a whole is flawed. 1. …

Member Avatar for cjohnweb

Hi there, I'm a long time PHP programmer, 6 month newb python developer, but entirely new to git and gitlab. I've spent 2 solid work days trying to solve this issue, I've chatted with others in chat rooms, all to no avail. I'm not certain where I should post this …

Member Avatar for Jorge_10
Member Avatar for cjohnweb

Hello! I'm working on a program at work for a device we are building, it's a device that (basically) in real-time reads in sensors, makes decisions about said data, and performs output. I have a loop that runs, and then calculates how long to sleep, so we can get as …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Joel100

As we're considering start using Redis to manage our software cache, I came across this article http://www.stackify.com/implementing-cache-tagging-with-redis/ . Does anyone else have an experience with such type of implementation?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for sidfarkus

I using Phpredis and am trying to get information from the following key called "statHistory" I am new to redis and not sure how to call each value individually. I am able to connect to redis using php and have tested it using the ping command. It has been two …

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.