I need to develop an application where I give an llm a piece of code, like maybe a function, and then the llm finds the closest match that does the same thing. It would look in one or more source files. The thing found may be worded differently. If the search finds the identical code then it should consider that the match. I assume the llm needed would be the same as a good coding llm.

Is this feasable at all? How hard would this be to develop? Thanks in advance.

I'm going to start with a joke:
Q. How do I get to Carnegie Hall?
A. Practice, practice, practice.

You won't be doing what you ask without building up your skillset and learning how to create "things".
Now if you need this today you outsource the work. I know folk underestimate projects all the time so I'll share that the smallest commercial project I know of is about 100K USD. And the vehicle tracking system went over a million.

So let's hear what you've done so far to create applications so far.

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