Following up on this topic it seems as if Mr.M has been having trouble with Chrome crashing whenever he tries to type in our editor (which we just upgraded a week or two ago).

@Dani this happens when I type a longer message than it froze and crash. I just tried testing using a different browser and it seems ok with Tor browser, the crashing happens on Chrome browser on my Android phone.

I guess the issue is only picked up by Chrome. I know chrome does give issues, I saw while I was developing a browser extension, Firefox is always the best.

As you can see I wrote this long message and it didn't crash, but if I were to type on a Chrome it would have crashed without even reaching 10 words.

A few follow up questions:

  • What version of Chrome?
  • What version of Android?
  • Are you using any browser plug-ins?

And, perhaps the most important question, is to figure out if this is unique to DaniWeb's implementation of the editor, or if it is the editor framework we are using.

Can you pretty please go here and, in the dropdown that says Select example, choose Markdown. Then, try typing and let me know if that crashes.

Much thanks!!!!!

Hi Dani, I'm trying to reply with Chrome to test what I've noticed regarding the crash.

I've attached relevant screenshots for 3 questions.

I'm not using any plug-in

What I've noticed is that it seems to be clutching with keyboard auto-correct/auto-complete.

If I type a full word without pressing it from my keyboard suggestion options that shows while typing it doesn't seem to crash, but once I choose or select one auto-complete and proceed typing it freezes and crash.

NB: I've typed all these reply messages successfully using the same Chrome browser that is crashing.

Since Android was mentioned, I tested on my Samsung Galaxy S20 and could nog get it to crash.

commented: +1 for effort. +0

Well don’t upgrade chrome just yet! If the problem goes away, we won’t have any way of testing if the bug is fixed.

It would be very helpful if you could not upgrade Chrome for now, while we debug this, since you're currently the only known person who is experiencing the bug.

commented: Noted +0

@Mr.M, @Dani - you might want to delete/censor the IMEI shown in the screenshots at some point.

commented: Is that a real issue? Example: +0

Can you try upgrading Chrome now and see if the problem goes away? Much thanks!

commented: Ok I will update and see +0
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