I'm excited to join DaniWeb and eager to dive into this awesome community. I'm a coder with a passion for all things technology. I'm always looking to learn and grow my skills. Whether it's programming languages, software development, or the latest tech trends, I'm here for it all!

Beyond coding, I'm also a huge movie buff. I love discussing films, sharing recommendations, and exploring the fascinating world of cinema.

Looking forward to connecting with like-minded individuals and contributing to the discussions. Let's learn and grow together!

Hi Jason! Welcome to DaniWeb. What genre of movies are you into? I’m all about sci-fi/fantasy that makes you think. After sitting in a chair for 2 hours, I want to end up feeling like I got something out of it. It made me think about something in a different way, etc. My husband likes dumb comedy and it drives me crazy.

commented: "Queueing up Dumb and Dumber." +0

I’m all about sci-fi/fantasy that makes you think

Definitely give The Man From Earth a go. You can watch it for free on youtube.

I'm always up for discussions on movies, good or bad.

commented: So, a Spaceballs fan? +0

So, a Spaceballs fan?

Oh, of course! That and Galaxy Quest. :-P

commented: And of course the line "Would you like some toast?" -Talky Toaster, everyone's favorite breakfast companion. +0

So, a Spaceballs fan

Hated Spaceballs. Loved Galaxy Quest.

I find most Mel Brooks comedy to be too low brow, with the exception of Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles.

And of course the line "Would you like some toast?" -Talky Toaster, everyone's favorite breakfast companion.

Aah, so you're a waffle man.

I like movies that don't insult my intelligence. Aside from the frequent spoilers I find that the Pitch Meeting videos do a great job of pointing out the ways in which modern action movies prioritize action and spectacle over anything resembling good writing.

10 Ways Star Trek Just Isn’t Star Trek Anymore is an excellent summary of what JJ Abrahms has done to Star Trek. For a much more detailed examination see the excellent posts beginning here. You'll see many examples of how even basic physics goes completely out the window. Assuming that the viewers are idiots seems to be the default these days.

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