I had a project where I used a raspberry pi, but I had to switch to orange pi. Does anyone know what's the best way to get it working?

Peter_137 commented: intersting +0

May I ask why you had to make the switch? Just curious.

This is completely outside my wheelhouse, but a quick Google search of ways to port raspberry pi to orange pi didn’t turn up anything too useful to my naive eyes.

Good luck!

commented: I had to make a switch because of the computational power requirements. Even the newest raspberry pi is much weaker than orange pi 5 +0

Using Win32Disk Imager to run the OS Raspbian on Orange Pi is what I feel you are looking for.

I would suggest reading the manual for the device you are using. Plenty of tools and resources provided.

E.g., on page 231-234 shows SSH setup for the Orange Pi 5 Pro.

Hope that helps.

After some more reading I concluded that the best tool for this would be armbian. In case anyone else is interested these were the instructions I found:


commented: Thanks for the update. Nice to read research results. +17
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