With the release of Galaxy AI in January 2024, the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra introduces some of the most advanced AI-powered features yet. Whether you’re looking to boost productivity, enhance mobile photography, or stay effortlessly updated, the Galaxy S25 Ultra offers new ways to live, work, and play.

I'd rather have a phone that can make calls, texts and take UNALTERED BY AI photos.

As to updates, is there a way to disconnect this from fascist run companies like X (twitter)?

I'm reminded of a Harley-Davidson ad from years back. It had a picture of a decked out motorcycle with a hot tub, wet bar, and recliner. The caption read, "If you want all the comforts of home, stay there."

commented: Nice! +17

As to updates, is there a way to disconnect this from fascist run companies like X (twitter)?

Use Mastodon?

commented: For the moment it's bluesky. +0

I'd rather have a phone that can make calls, texts and take UNALTERED BY AI photos.

How long before AI eff's up some key witness photo, resulting in the guilty going free or the innocent jailed?

commented: That was the plan all along. +17
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