1,189 Topics

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Member Avatar for roycpo

Hello friends, I am a new user for a mac and it seems to be slow as its opening time and also browsing a page. At that time what should I do for this? I am wondering for some wisefull tips that I recover this problem as soon as possible.

Member Avatar for fallout4player
Member Avatar for givemethemac

So my next problem is what mac is right and reliable for me? I will be using my mac for: - Writing word/pages docs - Programming in C++ , Objective-c , Java and more - Game development - Powerpoint/keynote presentations - A little bit of PhotoShop - Music and personal …

Member Avatar for fallout4player
Member Avatar for mistryrak440

Adobe Flash Player software for your device Windows, Mac OS, and … that you have read and agree to the Adobe Software Licensing Agreement, almost done but dont works

Member Avatar for happygeek

I have been a happy user of TomTom satnav products since they first hit the market some ten years ago now. For the most part, that has meant dedicated hardware for in-car use. However, when I last [reviewed the TomTom app for the iPhone here at DaniWeb back in 2010](http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/tablets-and-mobile-devices/reviews/333687/edit-your-own-satnav-maps-with-tomtom-for-iphone) …

Member Avatar for rockingjohncart
Member Avatar for jtsop01

I have 2 thunderbolt displays daisy-chained to my mac pro for the past 9 months. I have my sound output coming out of one of my 2 displays. I'm on El Capitan and recently had my displays freeze after waking them up from a lunch break then the sound didn't …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for vegaseat

The Swift computer language is the brainchild of a number of Apple associates. In my humble opinion it shows some nice features, but also some warts. Part 1 (constants, variables, strings, tuples, arrays) explores a number of the features to give you a taste of the language. I hope I …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for chetanbhasin

This may seem absurd at first but please read on. Recently I've heard that a lot of people are installing Mac on standard machines made for Windows - either using hardware Virtualization or using some kind of tweak with their BIOS. I also heard that Apple recently switched their working …

Member Avatar for Honny flussia
Member Avatar for asif49

Are there any ways you can think of for someone to get into the world of driverless car technology. I'd like to learn more about this field and see where I can make a contribution towards it, it seems like an enormously exciting endeavour to work on something like this. …

Member Avatar for DavidB
Member Avatar for erer002

How do i copy all my music from my old itouch to the computer/itunes,so i can put it on my new itouch. PS: My OS is Windows 7.

Member Avatar for Jesshillips
Member Avatar for happygeek

As any fan of the The Matrix trilogy of films will tell you, the Keymaker is a character in The Matrix Reloaded who has the keys to provide Neo access to the system mainframe and by so doing hopefully save Zion from the ongoing sentinel attack. In the movie, the …

Member Avatar for MrWonderful1961
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to a [SecureList posting](https://securelist.com/blog/69462/darwin-nuke/) dated April 10th, researchers Anton Ivanov, Andrey Khudyakov, Maxim Zhuravlev and Andrey Rubin discovered a vulnerability in the Darwin kernel back in December 2014. Why is this of interest? Well, the Darwin kernel is an open source part of both the Apple operating systems. The …

Member Avatar for ChaoticCoder
Member Avatar for scheppy

Ive made a java program to do automated tasks for a game. It takes screen shots with java.robot every 250 milliseconds. The program is working great, but it will always crash at around the 30min mark Im running this program on my mac, and this is the crash report that …

Member Avatar for scheppy
Member Avatar for scheppy

Ive made a java program to do automated tasks for a game. It takes screen shots with java.robot every 250 milliseconds. The program is working great, but it will always crash at around the 30min mark Im running this program on my mac, and this is the crash report that …

Member Avatar for scheppy
Member Avatar for scheppy

Hello all Im trying to make java robot hold down the command key. I have used the following code. robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_META); robot.Delay(5000); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_META); This doesant seem to do the trick. Yes I have searched on how to do this but cannot find a working answer. Am I using the wrong keycode? …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Prithiv_2

Hi, I am able to see my HDD and its partitions in Disk Utility but I am not able to see in in Finder or in ls /Volumes/. I have some data that's important and I intend to back it up. Is there any other way to access the HDD. …

Member Avatar for Prithiv_2
Member Avatar for 3knur8

Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question in, but here goes... I have a new macbook air and I'm attempting to use a shared printer that's on my windows network. I can detect the printer, and it's installed on my mac, but when …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for happygeek

Is Apple really 'closing the gap' on Android as far as smartphone market share is concerned, or is there more to the battle of the mobile handsets than the latest set of headline figures suggest? [ATTACH=RIGHT]23604[/ATTACH]Certainly if you take the research, and associated press releases surrounding it, from Nielsen regarding …

Member Avatar for NicholaPhillip
Member Avatar for Ghost0s

hey i want to know if i can replace a 2ghz macbook pro damaged motherboard with a 2.2ghz one ?

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for robert veach
Member Avatar for RobertHDD
Member Avatar for oriclon
Member Avatar for nathan.pavlovsky

I tried to restore my jailbroken iPad to factory settings. I clicked on the jailbroken device with iOS7 "restore to factory settings," and now it is loading for more than 8 hours (duing night). I was told that this was normal... but I do not believe it. All I have …

Member Avatar for nathan.pavlovsky
Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen

Hello, I have a Macbook Pro w/ Retina display (A1502), running Win 7 on bootcamp. I also have 2 [LG 25UM64](https://www.google.com/shopping/product/264296052983113163) monitors. The optimal resolution for these monitors is 2560x1080. However, so far as I can tell I can only hit this resolution if I'm connected through HDMI, for which …

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for jsherm101

Microsoft is just about over the three day hump that has been their timid Windows 8 release, and amid the [cries of anger](http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/microsoft-windows/windows-vista-and-windows-7-8/news/438107/windows-8-launch-three-year-user-backlash-predicted) over die-hard user, it's apparent Microsoft's move toward Windows 8 was one for the long term, not the short time. ![Win8-logo1](/attachments/small/3/Win8-logo1.jpg "align-left") While some jump to call …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

I was debating with my friend [URL="http://twitter.com/DavidAKnopf"]David A. Knopf[/URL] on Twitter recently about the iPad's target market. He was sure that iPhone and Mac owners like himself were the key targets, while I argued that it was precisely the opposite, people who didn't own these devices already. We went back …

Member Avatar for creamtown
Member Avatar for happygeek

Given the amount of negative press that has been generated since the announcement of the iPhone 5, calling it everything from boring to disappointing and even naming it the Apple Meh!phone, you might be forgiven for thinking nobody would want to buy it. You would be wrong. Very wrong indeed, …

Member Avatar for creamtown
Member Avatar for happygeek

Responding to the publication of a report which shows Amazon, Apple and Microsoft all scoring badly when it comes to a reliance upon 'dirty energy' to power their data centers, Apple has hit back with claims that the report over-estimates the power consumption of iCloud and projects being constructed to …

Member Avatar for Ginetta23
Member Avatar for 26bm

Hello, I am programming for the new(ish) 4 inch retina display of Apple's mobile products. Since I don't have a Mac computer to program with I've had to use Adobe Flash Professional. I realize that in order for the app to run in the full 4" I need to add …

Member Avatar for Linda_3

Recently updated IOS. Don't know if that's the issue. My phone had randomly started flickering really badly. The whole screen shakes horizontally or on the home screen sometimes the way it flickers is from the second row of apps and below...help! It's doing my eyes and head in.

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for manchurianCEO

Hi all, So this is the problem. My little cousin picked up his brother's macbook and dropped it. The macbook turns on and works, except that the screen is very, very dim. I am trying to find a way to rule out inverter, inverter cable or if it needs a …

Member Avatar for GABBY / LARRY
Member Avatar for cproger

I got my iPod Shuffle a couple of days ago. It's 2 gigs. I look at all the youtube videos about how to sync music to my iPod and none of them work. I am using the current version (11.1.3) of itunes. I don't know what is going on! Please …

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The End.