1,189 Topics

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Member Avatar for happygeek

If my iPhone 5s fingerprint data is walled off from the rest of A7 chip and the rest of iOS 7 in a 'Secure Enclave' and is never accessed by iOS or other apps, as Apple claims, then how come it all vanished when my iPhone crashed and I had …

Member Avatar for Kelly Burby
Member Avatar for sandeep_8

I have a really strange situation with my storage device. I would be really grateful if somebody could guide me through this. System details: Mac mini 2.0 i7 8GB 500GBx2 External storage: My studio Book WD 6TB (inside probably 3TBx2 raid). file format: NTFS Connected to Mac through Firewire. intermediate …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Microsoft knows it has to do something in order to claw back some kind of market position, not now but five years into the future. The culture of computing is changing amongst the young and hip consumer, and it's moving away from the Microsoft Windows-centric vision of the past. While …

Member Avatar for mido2013
Member Avatar for happygeek

The iPad is, as those annoyingly creative TV adverts show us, used for all sorts of things by all sorts of people. However, according to a press release that hit the DaniWeb news desk today, you might be forgiven for thinking that shopping isn't one of them. As usual though, …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for happygeek

Which? magazine [has revealed](http://blogs.which.co.uk/technology/phones-3/apple-iphone-5s-fastest-phone-samsung-galaxy-s4-lg-g2/) the new Apple iPhone 5s to be the fastest smartphone of all in the latest round of processor benchmarking tests, despite it having less cores that rival handsets. Not only was the 5s almost twice as fast as the iPhone 5 in testing, but also around …

Member Avatar for Kelly Burby
Member Avatar for happygeek

I'm one of those people who has both an iPad and an iPhone (in fact until very recently I had two iPhones) so I was interested to see the results of a survey that PriceGrabber published this week and which suggest that the majority of US consumers would consider buying …

Member Avatar for Kelly Burby
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

Thanks to a federal copyright law ruling on Monday by the Library of Congress, jailbreaking your iPhone doesn’t have to be kept to the underground forums like it's alcohol during a digital prohibition. The process is now completely legal under US law. Grab a glass of e-freedom![ATTACH]16137[/ATTACH]The resulting decision was …

Member Avatar for CaptBah
Member Avatar for happygeek

In my [DaniWeb report](http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/tablets-and-mobile-devices/news/462936/apple-iphone-5s-the-worlds-first-64-bit-smartphone) on the launch of the new iPhone 5s from Apple, I stated that you could "forget the fingerprint scanner built into the new circular home button" but I knew all along that was never going to be the case. In context, I was focusing upon what …

Member Avatar for Kelly Burby
Member Avatar for happygeek

So here it is, or will be by the end of the month, the world's first smartphone to use a 64-bit chip. Immediately I would suggest that you can forget about most of what was announced yesterday: ![dd1371f031db48fc9bf7389ae52caab5](/attachments/small/0/dd1371f031db48fc9bf7389ae52caab5.jpg "align-right") Forget the new colours that everyone is drooling over (gold? really? …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for Anima Templi

Hello, I'm really interested in developing apps for iOS. I do already have everything setup and I'm ready to start programming. What I'm curious about is; Is it worth buying the apple developer account already? I don't have anything ready to release yet, but I have read that they also …

Member Avatar for ggeoff

Hi My daughter is stuck trying to set up a POP3 email on a Macbook Air. It just wants to link to an Exchange account, which of course it doesn't find.

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for happygeek

A jury in the US has, after just three days deliberating, ruled that Samsung must pay Apple more than $1 billion in damages. The lawsuit had focussed on alleged patent infringements by Samsung in terms of both software and design relating to Apple's iPhone and iPad devices. Although not all …

Member Avatar for jimmyparker
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

after formatting my iphone 3gs, (4.1 ios), would it have a maintained IOS or i vl need to install it again, simply i mean that if i format my iphone then ios 4.1 would need to be installed again or any oyher issues would arise ? please guide me about …

Member Avatar for Myronz
Member Avatar for entropic3105

This is probably a very commonly asked question but is it possible to make an app with python?

Member Avatar for svf_
Member Avatar for lewashby

I'M trying to get my .aax audio book file from my computer to my iPod but am having trouble. I don't use iTunes or Microshaft Window$ so it's a little more complicated. I'M using the Linux OS with Rhythmbox media player. I tried to manually move my .aax files to …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The PowerBank 2000 is the latest in a long line of solar-powered chargers from Sandberg. It's far from being the most powerful backup battery for your smartphone (and yes it will charge Droids as well as iPhones, but as I'm an iPhone user I can only talk about my experiences …

Member Avatar for Erling.Hoff.Petersen
Member Avatar for happygeek

So, you've either bought the [brand new iPhone 5](http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/apple/apple-hardware-and-devices/news/433802/apples-disappointing-iphone-5-sells-out-within-the-hour) or have upgraded your existing iPhone to iOS 6 and discovered, like half the Internet it would appear, that the new Apple Maps which have replaced Google Maps are, to be polite, an utter and total stinking FAIL. I'm no Apple …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for adamhmiles

Apple has captured the market of elite. However, in the middle and lower class markets Huawei (Chinese phone company) is giving tough time to apple. Can Huawei outclass iPhone? Huawei has already introduced the slimmest smartphone and the first water and dust proof smartphone of the world.

Member Avatar for bhan

I am trying to add a dell v515w printer/scanner/fax to my mac mini OSX-tried downloading from the dell site but can't get driver to be recognized-please any help will be appreciated!

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for happygeek

![e776593293ae5ac1272905a2e76cd945](/attachments/small/0/e776593293ae5ac1272905a2e76cd945.jpg "align-right") This is the latest upgrade to the Camera Link product from Sandberg, making it compatible with the iPad 3 and iPad 4/Mini; but not at the same time. To get the iPad 4 compatibility rather obviously requires the Lightning connector equipped version, which costs the same as the …

Member Avatar for jtsop01

Just installed new SSD hard drive into 2007 MacBook but often it restarts with no warning? Is it possible that its not sitting in bay snug enough and my typing is enough to jar it loose or has anyone else experienced similar problems with SSD drives? Thanks in advance!

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Member Avatar for happygeek

I blame [URL="http://twitter.com/scobleizer"]Robert Scoble aka scobleizer[/URL] for his 'First look at “revolutionary” social news iPad app: Flipboard' post which led to a flipping iPad app taking over Twitter for most of yesterday. Some 24 hours late, Flipboard has thankfully dropped off the trending top ten list at Twitter, although it's …

Member Avatar for klemmerj
Member Avatar for helionfrost

hi guys, I have IPad 2, and currently im using Bluefire reader for DRM PDFs and GoodReader for standard PDF's, I was hoping GoodReader can support DRM but it is not. Now am trying to find some Adobe DRM support ebook readers that is faster than BlueFire and lots of …

Member Avatar for happygeek

[ATTACH=RIGHT]22083[/ATTACH]In an unusual take on the usual 'my smartphone is better than your smartphone' debate, a new survey has revealed that when it comes to the amount of time we spend using our handset of choice, iPhone users are the biggest addicts. So addicted, in fact, that many iPhone users …

Member Avatar for Rik_
Member Avatar for happygeek

Apple hacking PWN2OWN supremo and security researcher Charlie Miller is preparing to reveal just how to hack an Apple MacBook battery. Yep, you read that right: Apple battery hacking could be coming to a MacBook near you soon. Well, near you if you happen to be in Las Vegas for …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for maria.dedola

I have a MacBook Pro and I am trying to print on my DELL v305 all in one printer but I cant seem to find a driver. I found one on the DELL site but after I download it my MacBook says it cant read the file. Help!no

Member Avatar for manojrea
Member Avatar for happygeek

At just half a cubic inch in volume, 1.62 inches long, weighing half an ounce and coming complete with a built-in clip and little else to spoil the minimalist aluminum design, the smallest digital music player on the planet goes on sale this coming Friday. The surprising thing about this …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for omerrao

Hello I am having a problem with my phone i updated ultrasnow 2.2.7 and after that the whole screen went white i switched off the phone and now it wont switch back on i have tried holding the home button and power button but nothing happens i have tried charging …

Member Avatar for Mecbethben
Member Avatar for <M/>

I can not access my iPad due to a message showing up about updating my iCloud. I can see everything (the lock screen) and the message that i get has two buttons and when i click on them, they don't open. I don't know if i make any sense, but …

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Member Avatar for Emily Banks

Lawmakers in Washington asked tech companies Tuesday whether they need to create legislation that would protect people's private information online. The Senate Commerce Committee took up the issue, asking representatives from Apple, AT&T, Facebook and Google if an online privacy bill is necessary. Those companies have all dealt with recent …

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The End.