The Swift computer language is the brainchild of a number of Apple associates. In my humble opinion it shows some nice features, but also some warts. Part 1 (constants, variables, strings, tuples, arrays) explores a number of the features to give you a taste of the language. I hope I can follow this soon with part 2 (dictionaries, loops, if/else, switch/case,.functions, classes)
Even if you don't have an Apple computer, you can educate yourself using the Swift computer language. Just go onto the Swift online playground at and start typing Swift code, enjoy the experience!
Note: Xcode 7.0 came out on 16sep2015 and with it the long awaited Swift2 version. The IDE contains a conversion option under the edit tab that will convert your Swift1 code to Swift2 syntax. The utility does a "Homer Simpson" type job.