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74 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Gideon_1

Hi, my name is Appoh Gideon an eighteen year old coder, mastering in HTML5, CSS3, SASS, JS, AJAX, PHP and MySQL. I didn't realise this earlier but I needed to introduce myself. And I love daniweb.

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for lukwagomedia

What is the real error you are having? and If not a real error echo your sessions out and see whether they are working.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for James_43
Member Avatar for James_43
Member Avatar for Lonestar Jack

From the discussion, your question is not all that clear. But if you want the value of $v, I'm afraid you are already having it when you used echo '<br>value =>'.$v; So if you want something else, can you kindly elucidate your question.

Member Avatar for Gideon_1
Member Avatar for osvaldo_1

If you are a person who learns best by text the codeacademy or w3schools can help. But if you learn best by video, then I recommend the video playlist on [phpacademy channel]( on youtube.

Member Avatar for Gideon_1
Member Avatar for UK-1991

I don't get you very well can you please explain it further and can you please edit your question (full of mistakes, sorry) .

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Gideon_1

I'm building an API and on the aspect of sending a mail. I'm getting mail not sent error. In my API, the front-end sends a JSON request consisting of the mail parameters. { "to":"", "subject":"Testing Reviewer's Page", "body": "Hello Gideon", "headers":"" } I then decode them and pass them through …

Member Avatar for Gideon_1
Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Stephano

@Stephano, from what you are saying it means that every thing is okay with the database connection. If so, then can you check your logic well. Sometimes it happens when dealing with especially logical operators.

Member Avatar for Gideon_1
Member Avatar for habermax

Yh I agree with andrevanzuydam, some people has very long names (both first and last ones). So 100 chars will be okay. But one thing I can add is that, if you know the hashing method you will use on the passwords, set the password length to the hash length. …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for UK-1991

Your question is not all that understandable but the little knowledge I have is that you are trying to filter the results returned from a search field. My suggestion is that you can make this asynchronously with AJAX. But if you have tried something post your codes so that we …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mohammed_22
Re: php

Hello Mohammed, helping people is the job of a forum, but you need to show us your efforts first. With your codes we will help you find your way out of the concerned problem.

Member Avatar for mohammed_22
Member Avatar for showman13

@showman, If I were in your shoes, to think of security and flexibility, I will upload the file to my server for the first instance, then when the verification of the initial form data has returned true. I will just link to the uploaded file as an attachment to the …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Chanda_1

Yes, I agree with diafol. When selecting user data based on the condition of the username (i.e. WHERE username = ?), provided the username is not a unique field you can have multiple rows returned. So is always advisable that at the login page, after a successful login, a user …

Member Avatar for Lau_1
Member Avatar for shashigowda

Check simple mvc tutorials from Alex Garrett at [phpacademy]( on youtube.

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for UK-1991

Yh, your question does not justify the error you are having right now. You said PDO but the error is in mysqli. Also you are not querying the database for the `$result1` instead fetching the array of a string. Can you show the codes for the connection.

Member Avatar for Gideon_1
Member Avatar for Gideon_1

I am a 19 year old guy who is yet to get a CS degree from the university. I learned web development on my own from resources online. Mostly from youtube videos precisely from thenewboston and phpacademy and a few text-based tutorials from I am good with HTML, HTML5, …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for nadiam

Yes I agree with pritaeas, using mysql keywords as raw text renders your sql statement invalid. For my personal preference I usually like using column names nested in back ticks. Try this. $decline = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE users SET `status` = ? WHERE `name` = ?, `username` = ?, `email` = ?, …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for Paul_31

@tobyITguy, I agree with pritaeas. There was no string represent `$email_message` so the first one must not be concatenated.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Stefce
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Gideon_1

I am a 19 year old guy who is yet to get a CS degree from the university. I learned web development on my own from resources online. Mostly from youtube videos precisely from thenewboston and phpacademy and a few text-based tutorials from I am good with HTML, HTML5, …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Nathaniel10

I totally agree with jkon, OOP is OOP in your style. But there are a few things you should also know which will help in your life of programming. This include errors you made in both PHP and HTML. (NOTE: reference XHTML, PHP5 and **My Personal Interests**). 1. The inclusion …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for pavithra madda
Member Avatar for Mike Askew

Try this Mike. $subUsername = trim($_POST["user"]); $sql = "SELECT userID, username, password FROM user WHERE username = :user"; $q = $conn->prepare($sql); $q->bindParam(':user', $subUsername); $q->execute(); $result = $q->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); print_r($result); echo "</p>"; print_r($subUsername); echo "</p>"; print_r($subPassword);?> You were adding a parenthesis to the Param and aslo you did not use the right …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for Mike Askew

In my applications I use the real ajax language i.e. new XMLHttpRequest () with the xmlhttp.onreadystatechange. so in the the xmlhttp.send () I send the necessary parameters for the database queries to a php file through get. Example; <script type="text/javascript"> function load () { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest (); …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for shashigowda

I agree perfectly with pritaeas. I will advice you to go and learn the basis of php and programming. But since you are a beginner, I thought of refreshing myself with your problem. I have commented it very well for you to understand. Try it and I hope it solved …

Member Avatar for Gideon_1
Member Avatar for Justin_14

Justin_14, this is a setting in php.ini file. If you have controll of the php.ini file, change memory limit form 64M or 32M to 128M(Maximum Limit). If not try overriding the php.ini configurations with you .htaccess file in you public folder. Use this instead `php_memory_value_limit 128M`

Member Avatar for Gideon_1
Member Avatar for nadiam

In your question you said, `in the console this appears : Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list page.php:64`, but the codes you have posted ends on line 52. Can you please show all your codes?

Member Avatar for nadiam

The End.