810 Topics

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Member Avatar for juara
Member Avatar for Hanhai_1
Member Avatar for ewrlszolna

Sincerely, I did not foresee the development of AI. I had thought that the unit of measurement for computer power would always remain ghz. Hardware rendering has been faster over time. But given that DLSS and other comparable applications use AI already, I'm concerned that it could eventually replace our …

Member Avatar for swshurts
Member Avatar for rproffitt

Start with https://www.google.com/search?q=google+banned+all+apple+repair+ads and there it is. It appears to be mostly about Apple products and when two juggernauts, dare I write collude even if openly, we all lose. Apple's repair system is OK when your device is under AppleCare but beyond that we see the repair price climb to …

Member Avatar for phoneninja
Member Avatar for rproffitt

For years I've seen the industry trend more and more to where you can only fix something by replacing it. Now it is expensive to have a good tech to do work so this bill may further impede those that offer repair services. I'll pause here and offer a video …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for mistryrak440

Adobe Flash Player software for your device Windows, Mac OS, and … that you have read and agree to the Adobe Software Licensing Agreement, almost done but dont works

Member Avatar for jtsop01

I have 2 thunderbolt displays daisy-chained to my mac pro for the past 9 months. I have my sound output coming out of one of my 2 displays. I'm on El Capitan and recently had my displays freeze after waking them up from a lunch break then the sound didn't …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for asif49

Are there any ways you can think of for someone to get into the world of driverless car technology. I'd like to learn more about this field and see where I can make a contribution towards it, it seems like an enormously exciting endeavour to work on something like this. …

Member Avatar for DavidB
Member Avatar for erer002

How do i copy all my music from my old itouch to the computer/itunes,so i can put it on my new itouch. PS: My OS is Windows 7.

Member Avatar for Jesshillips
Member Avatar for 3knur8

Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question in, but here goes... I have a new macbook air and I'm attempting to use a shared printer that's on my windows network. I can detect the printer, and it's installed on my mac, but when …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Ghost0s

hey i want to know if i can replace a 2ghz macbook pro damaged motherboard with a 2.2ghz one ?

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for robert veach
Member Avatar for RobertHDD
Member Avatar for nathan.pavlovsky

I tried to restore my jailbroken iPad to factory settings. I clicked on the jailbroken device with iOS7 "restore to factory settings," and now it is loading for more than 8 hours (duing night). I was told that this was normal... but I do not believe it. All I have …

Member Avatar for nathan.pavlovsky
Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen

Hello, I have a Macbook Pro w/ Retina display (A1502), running Win 7 on bootcamp. I also have 2 [LG 25UM64](https://www.google.com/shopping/product/264296052983113163) monitors. The optimal resolution for these monitors is 2560x1080. However, so far as I can tell I can only hit this resolution if I'm connected through HDMI, for which …

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

I was debating with my friend [URL="http://twitter.com/DavidAKnopf"]David A. Knopf[/URL] on Twitter recently about the iPad's target market. He was sure that iPhone and Mac owners like himself were the key targets, while I argued that it was precisely the opposite, people who didn't own these devices already. We went back …

Member Avatar for creamtown
Member Avatar for happygeek

Given the amount of negative press that has been generated since the announcement of the iPhone 5, calling it everything from boring to disappointing and even naming it the Apple Meh!phone, you might be forgiven for thinking nobody would want to buy it. You would be wrong. Very wrong indeed, …

Member Avatar for creamtown
Member Avatar for Linda_3

Recently updated IOS. Don't know if that's the issue. My phone had randomly started flickering really badly. The whole screen shakes horizontally or on the home screen sometimes the way it flickers is from the second row of apps and below...help! It's doing my eyes and head in.

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for manchurianCEO

Hi all, So this is the problem. My little cousin picked up his brother's macbook and dropped it. The macbook turns on and works, except that the screen is very, very dim. I am trying to find a way to rule out inverter, inverter cable or if it needs a …

Member Avatar for GABBY / LARRY
Member Avatar for cproger

I got my iPod Shuffle a couple of days ago. It's 2 gigs. I look at all the youtube videos about how to sync music to my iPod and none of them work. I am using the current version (11.1.3) of itunes. I don't know what is going on! Please …

Member Avatar for cproger
Member Avatar for lewashby

I'M trying to get my .aax audio book file from my computer to my iPod but am having trouble. I don't use iTunes or Microshaft Window$ so it's a little more complicated. I'M using the Linux OS with Rhythmbox media player. I tried to manually move my .aax files to …

Member Avatar for bhan

I am trying to add a dell v515w printer/scanner/fax to my mac mini OSX-tried downloading from the dell site but can't get driver to be recognized-please any help will be appreciated!

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for jtsop01

Just installed new SSD hard drive into 2007 MacBook but often it restarts with no warning? Is it possible that its not sitting in bay snug enough and my typing is enough to jar it loose or has anyone else experienced similar problems with SSD drives? Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for jtsop01
Member Avatar for helionfrost

hi guys, I have IPad 2, and currently im using Bluefire reader for DRM PDFs and GoodReader for standard PDF's, I was hoping GoodReader can support DRM but it is not. Now am trying to find some Adobe DRM support ebook readers that is faster than BlueFire and lots of …

Member Avatar for happygeek

[ATTACH=RIGHT]22083[/ATTACH]In an unusual take on the usual 'my smartphone is better than your smartphone' debate, a new survey has revealed that when it comes to the amount of time we spend using our handset of choice, iPhone users are the biggest addicts. So addicted, in fact, that many iPhone users …

Member Avatar for Rik_
Member Avatar for happygeek

Apple hacking PWN2OWN supremo and security researcher Charlie Miller is preparing to reveal just how to hack an Apple MacBook battery. Yep, you read that right: Apple battery hacking could be coming to a MacBook near you soon. Well, near you if you happen to be in Las Vegas for …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for maria.dedola

I have a MacBook Pro and I am trying to print on my DELL v305 all in one printer but I cant seem to find a driver. I found one on the DELL site but after I download it my MacBook says it cant read the file. Help!no

Member Avatar for manojrea
Member Avatar for happygeek

At just half a cubic inch in volume, 1.62 inches long, weighing half an ounce and coming complete with a built-in clip and little else to spoil the minimalist aluminum design, the smallest digital music player on the planet goes on sale this coming Friday. The surprising thing about this …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for omerrao

Hello I am having a problem with my phone i updated ultrasnow 2.2.7 and after that the whole screen went white i switched off the phone and now it wont switch back on i have tried holding the home button and power button but nothing happens i have tried charging …

Member Avatar for Mecbethben
Member Avatar for <M/>

I can not access my iPad due to a message showing up about updating my iCloud. I can see everything (the lock screen) and the message that i get has two buttons and when i click on them, they don't open. I don't know if i make any sense, but …

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Member Avatar for thecoolman5

Hey, I recently tried to jailbreak my iPod touch 4th generation. In the middle of it, my computer crashed and my iPod went into recovery mode. I plugged it into the computer and restored it but all my iPod data was erased. I tried backing it up but it won't …

Member Avatar for sawiphone

The End.