388 Topics

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Member Avatar for screenedcreamy

I have this use case where in I would need to dynamically create java objects out of json input and insert the data into sql tables. I tried using gson APIs but unfortunately we need to specify strucuture of that class (Car.class). Is it possible to dynamically achieve the above …

Member Avatar for Tarek_2
Member Avatar for gentlemedia

I'm using `file_get_contents()` to parse data of a JSON file within a `foreach()` loop onto my page. <?php $url = 'data/gigs.json'; $data = file_get_contents($url); $gigs = json_decode($data, true); foreach ($gigs as $gig) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td><time>' . $gig['date'] . '</time></td>'; echo '<td>' . $gig['event_venue'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for scrivomcdivo

Hey folks. I currently have a large JSON file made up of entries similar to the below. The file contains information relating to photographs:- [CODE]{ "SourceFile": "C:/Users/Me/Desktop/Photos/5294030805_9497032cd7_o.jpg", "ExifToolVersion": 8.63, "FileName": "5294030805_9497032cd7_o.jpg", "Directory": "C:/Users/Me/Desktop/Photos", "FileSize": "1094 kB", "FileModifyDate": "2011:09:09 22:40:39+01:00", "FilePermissions": "rw-rw-rw-", "FileType": "JPEG", "MIMEType": "image/jpeg", "JFIFVersion": 1.01, "ExifByteOrder": "Big-endian (Motorola, …

Member Avatar for Hex_1
Member Avatar for patk570

Hey everyone, I have a JSON array that pulls data, its an immense amount of data that i use. It is a multilevel array eg: dateTime: 2018-12-04T10:30:45:222z comments:"" +Driver[0] [0] fname: John lname: Doe driverCode: DOEJ [1] fname: Mary lname: Smith driverCode: SMIMA more info etc I am trying to …

Member Avatar for ndeniche
Member Avatar for patk570

Hey everyone, I have a script that does an API call, the results are displayed in a json array, but i am trying to break them down into HTML tables here is my code var deviceId = ""; api.call("Get", { typeName : "DutyStatusLog", search : { deviceSearch : { driver …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Mohammed_44

//The php section of the code <?php function getJSONFromDB($sql){ $conn = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "","rent"); //echo $sql; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql)or die(mysqli_error()); $arr=array(); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $arr[]=$row; } return json_encode($arr); } $jsonData= getJSONFromDB("select Pic from Display"); $jsn=json_decode($jsonData); //for loop to retrieve rows from database for($i=0;$i<sizeof($jsn);$i++){ $a=$jsn[$i]->Pic; //here is the main …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for Var_1

Hi all, I had created a function updateprintingqc() that work like this 1. user will click on a clickable button to update the data 2.when user click on OK,the dummy data will be create based on the main data shown in below image's link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B46VQHVMeBTNMzVodDRxZEw3dGs/view?usp=sharing When the user click the …

Member Avatar for arunmagar
Member Avatar for michael.dewitt.716

I know this title is rather confusing, but here it goes. I have a PHP cURL request and the return is in a string. Normally i can easily echo specific objects from the JSON response, but i have never dealt with string returns. Here is my php <?php $url = …

Member Avatar for michael.dewitt.716
Member Avatar for can-mohan

I am parsing below sample file in below code snippet. {"requestType":"INVOCATION", "hostName":"localhost", "serviceName":"bucky", "serviceType":"DISCRETE", "serviceParameters":"sampleData", "servicesList" :[ { "serviceName" : "ABC", "serviceParameters" : {"para1" : "value1", "para2" : "value2", "para3" : "value3"} }, {"serviceName" : "CBA", "serviceParameters" : { "para1" : "value90", "para2" : "value", "para3" : "value"} } ], …

Member Avatar for can-mohan
Member Avatar for Jon_7

I don't even know if I worded my question correctly, but here's what I have and here's what I'd like: I use an [attendance app](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/attendance2/id536206472?mt=8) to track my basketball workout classes, and then I show the results on my site [here](http://www.50allstars.com/p/players.html). To achieve this, I send the csv provided by …

Member Avatar for Ella_3
Member Avatar for Kirielson

Hello, I'm having trouble posting JSON to a url using Flask, AJAX and Javascript. Essentially, I would code using a library [Jquery Sortable](https://johnny.github.io/jquery-sortable/) to create a sorted list. From that sorted list I want to post to the server. The problem is that the server does not recieve the JSON …

Member Avatar for michael.dewitt.716

Hi everyone, i have a page that uses jquery ajax to get json from another page. However, instead of the ajax using sucess, it goes directly to error. I have a debug on the error to see what is the issue and i get "Parsing JSON Request failed." page 1.php …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi guys, I have a rather interesting problem. Basically my application has a javascript object literal in this format: var myObject = '{text:"my text 1", anotherProperty1:"This is another property1", anotherProperty2:"This is another property2", anotherProperty3:"This is another property3"},' + '{text:"my text 2", anotherProperty1:"This is another property1", anotherProperty2:"This is another property2", anotherProperty3:"This …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi guys, I'm looking into the possibility of writing some javascript (or using an API of course) to be able to search a collection of PDFs and return the results in a Json format for processing (mainly displaying them back to the user). I've played around a little bit with …

Member Avatar for Mohamed_84
Member Avatar for Violet_82

HI guys, I seem to be having an issue declaring a json string. The original string I have is this: var jsonString = '{ "details" : [' + '{"text":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur 0", "firstName":"Jack0", "surname":"Dee0", "moreInfo":"This is extra information"},' + '{"text":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur 1", "firstName":"Jack1", …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for double_cola

I have a form that creats a json array from user input data. Array ( [full_name] => First Name + Last Name [company_name] => Company Name [email] => Email [free_trial] => trial (Yes/No) [quota] => quota [contract] => 0 (0/1) [per_gb] => cost per gb [per_month] => contract length in …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan
Member Avatar for berserk

Hello All, i have run into an issue with my little project that i cannot seem to find much on and im at a lose for resources to check through. I am trying to get and use data that is being pulled from a json echo to my other php …

Member Avatar for berserk
Member Avatar for ramsiva

below is json format , please help me how to do in php using json_encode [ { "test": "1", "ex": { "ex1": {}, "ex2": {} } } ]

Member Avatar for amith_ami
Member Avatar for Eddy_1

Hi. I have tried to save the Json data retrieved below in vain. When I connect the database and try to insert the post data, the script no longer retrieves or decodes the data. When I leave it, the API tells me the data was reconciled or decoded. How can …

Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi I am working on displaying json data in ul li with href, i can able to print only ![Capture01.JPG](/attachments/large/3/db569cebc3c426d0b02202cde151137c.JPG "align-center") but my expected output should be as below ![Capture-01.JPG](/attachments/large/3/133e4688d5b3f612fb3dbe8ba2f26f17.JPG "align-center") <script type="text/javascript"> var data= {"query":{"simple_query_string":{"query":"A*"}}}; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', //url: 'data.json', url: 'urllink', dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { arr= …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Hilal2009

I want to get results from this API as specified. But from what I know, I have tried to write some codes but it seems it doesn't work. I there any one can help me? here is the API http://1XX.XXX.XX.66:4848/SmartMeter/vms/credit?meterNumber=51751100044&amount=10&method=0&referenceNumber=12345678&return=JSON Request Parameters - meterNumber: Meter Number(Like 51931000049) amount: Amount(like 10 kWh,10 …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Andre_5

I use VB.net 2012 and Newtonsoft.Json Here my code Public Class Order Public Property nb As Integer Public Property product As String Public Property price As String End Class Public Class Person Public Property nb As Integer Public Property name As String Public Property address As String End Class Dim …

Member Avatar for PerplexedB
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

Hello this is going to be a long post so thanks in advance for just reading it. I think it will help many users. I want to store additional data and to add new rows to a table. I know about mysql and php but i am not familiar with …

Member Avatar for SimonIoa
Member Avatar for _1_14

I designed app to make order for pizza food restaurant I show userid,menu id ,address,longtiude,latitude then press on button make order Error show after I press button and found in async task doin background It give me fatal exception error An error occurred while executing doInBackground() and it show to …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for toxicandy

I am trying to create a table in html/php that is dynamic sized but allows users to edit rows of the table, I have 99% of this done and the last piece is to send edited values VIA ajax to an edit page where I update to the database and …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for Abhishek_26

> i have bind 10 random post form json file in to marquee but the problem is arising , its show like list and showing as marquee works kindly check the code and the output , do some suggestion what to do . Thanks in advance <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> …

Member Avatar for Seung Hwan

I have a basic question. I collected some gps signal to some columns by python code. I want to read them and use some data in html-javascript. In this case, what kind of file is the easiest to read and use in html/javascript?? I made a text file but people …

Member Avatar for Seung Hwan

I made a json file and its contents are like these. [{"pdis": "pdistance", "time": "time", "lon": "longitude", "tdis": "totaldistance", "secsp": "sectionspray", "lat": "latitude"}, {"pdis": "0.000555", "time": "10:01:43", "lon": "126.952741667", "tdis": "0.000555", "secsp": "3343.0", "lat": "37.4805016667"}, {"pdis": "0.027396", "time": "10:01:57", "lon": "126.952753333", "tdis": "0.027951", "secsp": "3320.0", "lat": "37.4807483333"},~~~,{"~~~~~"}] I want to …

Member Avatar for arctushar

Hi I m developing a mobile apps which will fetch json data from my server. My server address is http://need4engineer.com/api.php this is not working. But same data from another server https://randomuser.me/api/?results=5 is working well. Both the cases header is same. Please help me

Member Avatar for rproffitt

The End.