Convert Swagger file to Model

Dani 0 Tallied Votes 2K Views Share

We have a Swagger file for our API, but in our API documentation, we want to show valid responses for each endpoint. I coded up this little recursive function in PHP which takes our Swagger file and spits out a valid response.

I use it as follows, for each individual endpoint:

// $swagger is the entire swagger file
$swagger = file_get_contents('/path-to-swagger.json');

For the below code within our PHP template, $endpoint can be assumed to be a single endpoint with method (e.g. a single POST request to a URI) such that json_decode() was used to convert it from the Swagger file to a PHP array.

<pre><?= json_encode(swagger_to_model(
    $swagger['definitions'][str_replace('#/definitions/','', $endpoint['responses']['200']['schema']['$ref'])]['properties'],
function swagger_to_model($response, $swagger, $depth = 0, &$definitions = array())
    if (is_scalar($response))
        return $response;
    else if (isset($response['format']))
        return $response['format'];
    else if (isset($response['type']))
        if ($response['type'] == 'array')
            return array(swagger_to_model($response['items'], $swagger, $depth, $definitions));
        else if ($response['type'] == 'object')
            if (isset($response['properties']))
                return swagger_to_model($response['properties'], $swagger, $depth, $definitions);
                return swagger_to_model($response['additionalProperties'], $swagger, $depth, $definitions);
            return $response['type'];
    else if (isset($response['$ref']))
        $definition = str_replace('#/definitions/', '', $response['$ref']);
        // Add to the list of definitions being used here
        $definitions[] = $definition;        
        if ($depth > 1)
            return array(
                'id' => 'int32'
        return swagger_to_model($swagger[$definition]['properties'], $swagger, ++$depth, $definitions);
        $output = array();
        foreach ($response AS $key => $value)
            $output[$key] = swagger_to_model($value, $swagger, $depth, $definitions);
        return $output;