388 Topics

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Member Avatar for nunu_psu

Greetings everyone, I'm still new to android programming and currently leanrning how to connect to DB. I'm following a online tutorial but I'm still facing problems. The tutorial is about creat a registration form and sending it to the database through volley. I'm using .hostinger.ae as host and Android studio. …

Member Avatar for didinadeen

I'm trying to populate a multidimensional html table with data from a JSON. The idea is that the first row is with the dates and the next ones start with with the name of the value and for the value for the date in the first row. Just like and …

Member Avatar for panduranga_1
Member Avatar for RikTelner

Currently I have something like this (a bit modified): function function1($param) { $ans = @file_get_contents($param); if (!$ans) return ("Failure"); return json_decode($ans, true); } Extremely straight forward. However, the `file_get_contents()` gets answer from an API, that has proven to be a little stinky boa. It sometimes answers incorrectly, or "Access Denied" …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for reminem

Hello Everybody, I searched the the internet and this forum, but cannot find the solution for my problem. Started with python and have this code (part of): import requests `def Send_invitation(): data = {"bsn": e3.get(), "initialen": e2.get(), "achternaam": e1.get(), "geslacht": e4.get(), "geboortedatum": e5.get(), "postcode": e6.get(), "emailadres": e7.get(), "screening_type": e8.get()} response …

Member Avatar for reminem
Member Avatar for Siberian

Anyone familiar with how to add a Galaxy S5 & S6 running Android Lollipop (5.x) to Chrome Web Device List; from what I know JSon is involved but I'm not familar with JSon, I hope I can get some help ?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for jmishal

Hi, I know parsing json data has been discussed lots but what I want is probably a little simpler I need a little editing to the bleow php script to work as convert json data and push it into MySQL table since the script work as reading the json data …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for newprogrammer14

First let me confess that I'm a beginner with little knowledge of Java. I'm facing a problem with XML to JSON conversion. The XML that I need to covert is complex with elements that will repeat throughout the document. And the order in which the elements appear need to be …

Member Avatar for milil
Member Avatar for Smith5646

I am trying to find information on best practices for json data. I am working on a client server app that will contain family information. For purposed of this question, this is an oversimplification of the database. I have a family table, an address table, and a family members table. …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Abdulkabir_1

ID Arrival Departure ArrivalDate DepatureDate 1001 New York Holland 2009-09-23 2012-07-23 1301 Florida Germany 2010-10-23 2012-10-11 1401 New York Holland 2009-09-23 2009-09-25 1301 New York Beijing 2009-09-23 2010-09-21 1201 New York Holland 2008-01-01 2009-09-23 1001 Virginia New York 2008-01-01 2009-09-22 1021 New York Holland 2009-09-23 2009-09-25 1001 New York Holland …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for shany0786

I am have debugging some javascript code in firebug,then i have seen some strange POST thing in firebug this is worrying me? I have registration form when i reload page i see in firebug following "POST http://api.adsrun.net/post" Response Header Cache-Control no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 Connection keep-alive Content-Type application/json Date …

Member Avatar for Arun_15

I want to parse json to html, with angularjs, i am converting an xml rss feed to json with npm xml2json I am using angularjs http to get an xml from the server, i am using node module xml2json to convert it to a json object. I get the document …

Member Avatar for UK-1991

Getting an unexpected error don't know what the hell is wrong as everything is perfect as far as I noticed Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=' in C:\wamp\www\dropbox-sdk\index.php on line 18 <?php session_start(); require_once "lib/Dropbox/autoload.php"; $_SESSION["user_id"] = 1; $dropboxKey = ''; $dropboxSecret = ''; $appName = 'puttiapp/1.0'; $appInfo = new …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for UK-1991

Hello recently I downloaded dropbox SDK and Ii's located in my downloads folder and it's dragging me to hell how do we install it no proper description provided nor a good details so we would be able to install it can anyone help me out there is no code to …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for silent lover

Dear Daniweb friends, I created adapter like this: public class PromotionAdapter { String code = null; String name = null; String continent = null; String region = null; public PromotionAdapter(String code, String name, String continent, String region) { super(); this.code = code; this.name = name; this.continent = continent; this.region = …

Member Avatar for silent lover
Member Avatar for nosfa

Hi all. I cannot pass the values from the textboxes onm a form to the controller. view code <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $("#btnSubmit").click(function () { var presc1 = $('#p1').val(), aviad1 = $('#a1').val(), $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", url: "comparar", data: "{'presc1':'" + presc1 + "', 'aviad1':'" …

Member Avatar for nosfa
Member Avatar for rchawdhari

Hi all, My project is on ruby on rails. I have one of ruby api returns json.jbuilder But I want that my api should not return json , it will display html.erb file Is anybody can help me???

Member Avatar for dawbin

I need to get user manipulated data out of my WinJS listview and convert it to JSON, but I can't figure how to access the data? Any help would be appreciated!

Member Avatar for cambraydesign

I have a JSON decoded array in php with foreach that includes a select option in a form every time I select an option from this drop down it returns the last value in the list. The option is just the selector not the value I'm trying to save. I'm …

Member Avatar for cambraydesign
Member Avatar for Aeonix

I made an API request using AJAX request, I received JSON, I tried my best to use JavaScript to parse it, but to no avail. Instead I used jQuery which made it as painless as 2 lines of code. Now I have JSON array translated into array-ish object in JavaScript. …

Member Avatar for Aeonix
Member Avatar for divyakrishnan

Hi All, I am using php to create a Webservice API calls. I am checking all the service calls in Chrome's Postman and sending the data in JSON format. I want to upload an image in JSON format with other datas.Actually I have converted the image to base64 before uploading.Its …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Mushfik

Hi. Below is the code which parse data from mysql into json, but for the name column i want to have <a href="http://example.com">column name</a> instead of jst the column 'name'. is it possible in any ways. <?php $link = mysql_pconnect("localhost", "user", "pass") or die("Could not connect"); mysql_select_db("userdb") or die("Could not …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Himanshu Chawla

I newbie in JSON Programming . I have scratched to much youtube and also google about the retrieve of data into string json using C# windows form application .. I haven't found anything till now. Please give a example and step by step procedure of how to retrieve the data …

Member Avatar for aclx
Member Avatar for new_2_java

Hello all, I have a function in JS, that I need to translate in Java to be used in my JSP as part of server side script. I need to find out what's the equavalent of JSON.stringify() in Java? This is my current JS function. This functioin takes a CSV …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Israel_2

I need help parsing json data to a specific format so I can put it on a line chart. More specifically a line graph using [highcharts](http://www.highcharts.com/demo/line-basic) This data comes from a query $data['graph']=$this->mymodal->graphmodal($id); foreach ($data['graph'] as $row) { //modify array.. } echo json_encode($data['graph']); The result this produces is the following …

Member Avatar for Israel_2
Member Avatar for gcardonav

I created a sample webservice that will ask the user for some information and return in JSON form all the information required. I have two issues here 1. I don't want to make it required that the user enter bot the new dates and renewal dates, I want to make …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for phoenix254

I am new in programming languages.I was trying to learn web socket with javascript to this [site](http://socket.io/get-started/chat/), but i am not understanding something that why i need to use **Package.json**. I tried to google a lot, but can not find something useful. One more thing if i create Package.json then …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for philjen

Hi Im a newbie in asp.net, im a php programmer though, and i've been working on a pop up div with a search engine on it, in php i have no problem working with json but in asp it took me already two days to find a similar problem, yet …

Member Avatar for philjen
Member Avatar for ramsiva

I have DB s_id sn_id sec_id 1 1 1,2,3 Based on sn_id i want to display sec_id and sec_name. I want to convert into json array format like this [{"sec_id":"1","sec_name":"A"}, {"sec_id":"2","sec_name":"B"},{"sec_id":"3","sec_name":"C"}] Any body helo to get json array format

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for blueguy777

how to store json output into seperate PHP variables? {"msg":"success","msg_text":{"9912345678":"N"}}

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for OsaMasw

hello guys, am very new to android development, ans am trying to do my best to learn it,I have json output created from one of my PHP projects here is my output [ { "id": "1", "name": "BEiN HD 1", "link": "http:\/\/www.mysite.com\/tv4.ogg", "image": "http:\/\/www.mysite.com\/images\/jsc8.png" }, { "id": "2", "name": "BEiN …

Member Avatar for peter_budo

The End.