388 Topics

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Member Avatar for nitin1

I am creating one json array using Json-glib using c++. Here is the data: title="Daniweb" (string) last= 1234 (long) icon="icons" (string) url = "[\"dani.com\"]" (json array) After making one json array using exsiting APIs of json-glib library, I got this: {"id":"Nitin1","clientName":"Gourav_first_task","tabs":"[{\"title\":\"Daniweb\",\"icon\":\"icons\",\"urlHistory\":\"[\\\"Dani.com\\\"]\",\"lastUsed\":1234}]"} Is it the correct json string made? It has …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for cbutler7

hi, i am receieving a repsonse from googles json api that has the formatted_address but i want to extract the city and county from either the formatted_address which is displayed in a label (lblAddress.text) or the JSON file Google gave me. so for example: Palgrove Road, Pennywell, Sunderland, Tyne and …

Member Avatar for J.C. SolvoTerra
Member Avatar for silent lover

dear daniweb friends, i really need help. i want to parse a json from a file inside folder. that folder inside xcodeproj (not from URL). i use this code: dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ /*NSData* kivaData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://json.comli.com/reportTextEn.json"] ];*/ NSString *filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"reportTextEn" ofType:@"json"]; NSError *error = …

Member Avatar for grakovski

Link for API: [Click Here](http://api.uptimerobot.com/getMonitors?apiKey=u118216-ae6b502f1b3f6d272d0f9437&logs=1&alertContacts=1&responseTimes=1&responseTimesAverage=180&format=json) I want to get datetime and type parameters i try to but i get: Notice: Trying to get property of non-object Here is my try t $api_key = "apikey here"; $server = "http://api.uptimerobot.com/getMonitors?apiKey=$api_key&logs=1&alertContacts=1&responseTimes=1&responseTimesAverage=180&format=json"; $server2 = file_get_contents($server); $obj = @json_decode($server2); $cc = $alert->datetime; echo $cc; its …

Member Avatar for Isaac_4
Member Avatar for ajdauda

I want to show a specific color based on the value i get from the Json response. i.e. if the temp = any number between 1 and 15 it will show a blue box below and... if the temp = any number between 16 and 25 it will show a …

Member Avatar for LesF
Member Avatar for Vijaysurya

HAI everybody, `` I am working on a Google API to obtain the contacts of users at my website, and I obtained a result using like this, but I wish wish to have the contacts out of the whole chunk. I just wanna know , how can I parse values …

Member Avatar for gelani_1
Member Avatar for f_atencia

Hi all. Suppose I have the following JSON Object: "WorkPhone": { "Phone": { "FixedPhone": "98221234", "Fax": { "CountryCode": "61", "AreaCode": "", "text": "" }, "Mobile": "" } } How can I manipulate the 'FixedPhone' object to look more like the 'Fax' object in Javascript / JQuery? That is: - Remove …

Member Avatar for piers
Member Avatar for surferbloggy

Hi i'm showing data from json with angularjs if i write this <div class="boxhotel" > <p>rateChange: {{roomz.RateInfo}}</p> </div> i retrieve this {"@rateChange": "false", "@promo": "false", "@priceBreakdown": "true", "ChargeableRateInfo": { "@total": "343.9", "@surchargeTotal": "53.9", "@nightlyRateTotal": "290.0", "@maxNightlyRate": "145.0", "@currencyCode": "USD", "@commissionableUsdTotal": "290.0", "@averageRate": "145.0", "@averageBaseRate": "145.0", "NightlyRatesPerRoom": { "@size": "2", "NightlyRate": …

Member Avatar for alex9620

Hi, I am trying to create a web service which will taken in JSON response and then query the DB with it to return store details (JSON response). I intend to use this with a mobile app later on. But during the development I am testing using AJAX calls. I …

Member Avatar for alex9620
Member Avatar for kyleo92

I'm trying to learn JSON/JavaScript as I'd like to use it over PHP/SQL. I was going to do this with TEMPOJS because it seems like that might be the easiest way to start off? I'm getting hung up, however. I can make everything work if I include the JSON directly …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Griff0527

I've been tasked to attempt something far outside of my normal realm, but don't know where to start. Due to the fact that my logs are work related, I cannot/will not post the logs here, but I'm hoping I can still get pointed in the right direction to find information …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Thermalnuke

Hey gys just started up a wordpress website for a club i am doing at school that deals with crypto currency. we currently have a couple of miners that are mining litecoins and bitcoins. on the wordpress site im looking to display the miner information through API calls through a …

Member Avatar for cilla
Member Avatar for surferbloggy

Hi, i have an angularjs app that doesn't work becouse of an incorrect json, i've test it the problem is that i have to work with it, could you help me to fix it? it is this, thank you for help [ { "HotelInformationResponse": { "@hotelId": "106347", "customerSessionId": "0ABAA875-E534-C391-3432-DAF69EC93236", "HotelSummary": …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for surferbloggy

Hi, I have to load a list of holtels from json and then click one hotel to load the hotel details page, i'm trying to solve with route i've added 2 different controllers for 2 different views each controller load a different json and this is the problem becouse it …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello, I have written an ajax call: $.ajax({ url:'summary_page_data', type:'POST', data:name={}, context: this, dataType: 'json', success:function(data_){ if(data_!= -1) { data=JSON.stringify(data_); alert(data); $('#write_table').append('<p>Summary:<br><br>[FORM TABLE HERE]</p>'); } else alert("outside") } }); In this "summary_page_data" i have written `echo json_encode($skills);` SO it is returning array. when i alert the return data, it shows …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Jack_9

Can you make an android app with the languages PHP JSON and others like that? Like is there a specific frameworkd for it to run on? Any answer is gladly appreciated.

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello , I want to show spinner while processing below data. // SHOW SPIINER HERE $.getJSON("./php/fetch_record.php",{Record_id: Schedule_id, ajax: 'true'}, function(j){ for (var i = 0; i < j.length; i++) { $.post("/Test/Simple_form_submit", { //variables here },function(data){ }); } // HIDE SPINNER HERE I had tried show and hide div here but …

Member Avatar for Priti_P
Member Avatar for dlmagers

Hello, everyone. I am working on an application that I think I may need a little help. Yes, I am new to this language so I hope you won't be to hard on me. I am sure this is something stupid (mistake) but if someone would lean a helping hand …

Member Avatar for dlmagers
Member Avatar for NuGG

I have been having trouble getting a result from this wondered if someone may be able to help me. I am trying to decode/parse this json output from a URL so that I can extract "result" and "success" and place them into variables. So far I cant even parse the …

Member Avatar for NuGG
Member Avatar for azapovjednik

Hello all, I need to validate google oauth2 access token... I found one script online but it is stuck on cURL function... I suppose JSON to ARRAY conversion or something similar.. but I dont know how to solve it.... can anyone show me? PLEASE!!! when I run it... it gives …

Member Avatar for azapovjednik
Member Avatar for DLO2418

Simple JSONReader code not working I am trying to use JSONReader (along with PHP & XPATH) to parse a very large JSON file, then display search results. A stream parser (such as JSONREader) is recommended over JSON_decode when parsing large files. This simple code below is not displaying any results …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for RobotFX

So I'm trying to use a free service to get the visitor's location and redirect them to the proper page. The problem is that these free services don't always work; freegeoip has a limit of 10000 requests per day and I'm not sure about telize. What I want to do …

Member Avatar for [NOPE]FOREVER
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hi There, I had a multidimentional array with values. I wanted to convert it into JSON I tried it with : `json=JSON.stringify(skill_array);` But it gave me output as below: [["Language","C++","0","1","May 2014","ascasc"],["DataBase","C++","0","1","May 2014","ascasc"],["Language","C++","0","1","May 2014","ascasc"]] SO how can i convert it into JSON? in Javascript

Member Avatar for Priti_P
Member Avatar for bibiki

Hi there, I am having difficulties with integrating [datatables](http://datatables.net/). Somehow, my data is being lost/weirdly modified when putting it in my response variable. foreach($aaData as $aData) echo "-".$aData."<br>"; foreach($aaData as $aData) $response['aaData'][] = $aData; My first foreach loop outputs data, and what I see is what I expect. However, when …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for sunita_3

here i want to generate a graph using highchrats library.my graph is spline with column chart (combo chart).but my graph not generate with my code.so please check my code where is i am wrong.i think i am wrong in jason code..but i have a little bit knowledge in json .so …

Member Avatar for extjac

I have a table that will have several fields, such as counties, age_groups, gender, sports, etc.. on countries I will be storing data with this format["US","CA","DK","FI","RU","SE"] on age groups I will be storing data with this format["2000","1999","1998"] on age groups I will be storing data with this format["M","F"] on age …

Member Avatar for extjac
Member Avatar for arafath077

Im using wunderground.com weather API. I got JSON to an array.buy i coudlnt echo arrray one by one. these the sample code to i used in my site `$json = file_get_contents("http://api.wunderground.com/api/ab3f1aefcf4033d4/forecast10day/q/CA/San_Francisco.json"); //$phparrya = json_decode($jsonstring); $array_json=json_decode($json, true); print_r($obj);`

Member Avatar for arafath077
Member Avatar for Pravesh_1

I developed a shopping cart using jquery, ajax and json. It is working fine on local server in chrome. But when I run on server using chrome it is not doing anything; but running on firefox. It is not running first time, but when I came back from another page …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for extjac

Hello! I have a table called Events and one of the colums is called "country". I want to be able to query events based on the user country. So eventID #1 might have "country" = US, CA, MX (multiple values), so if a user is from the US logs-in will …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Tinnin

I am running this on my local: <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#validateButton").click(function() { var forename = $("#Name").val(); var surname = $("#Surname").val(); var dob = $("#DOB").val(); var flatNumber = $("#FlatNumber").val(); var houseName = $("#HouseName").val(); var houseNumber = $("#HouseNumber").val(); var street = $("#Street").val(); var townCity = $("#TownCity").val(); var county = $("#County").val(); var postcode …

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The End.