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176 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for mags11

Hey mags11, your PersonalInformation class looks good to me. However, your demo is wrong. You still make no use of your PersonalInformation class inside your demo. Here I will put some comments in your code and let you know what is worng. [CODE] Name startName = new Name("Ewan McGregor");//Name is …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

I have some ideas, too. One, create an app that solves sudoku puzzles. you give it a situation, and then it solves it. You can create a GUI to make challenging your app with a sudoku puzzle easier. Two, create an app that seeks, finds, and shows all ways of …

Member Avatar for Alok_5
Member Avatar for bibiki

Hi there, I am having difficulties with integrating [datatables]( Somehow, my data is being lost/weirdly modified when putting it in my response variable. foreach($aaData as $aData) echo "-".$aData."<br>"; foreach($aaData as $aData) $response['aaData'][] = $aData; My first foreach loop outputs data, and what I see is what I expect. However, when …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for bibiki

Hi guys, I am using tinyMCE editor. In my textarea, I want to let user type some html like <table></table> and store that in db just like that, <table></table>. However, what I am getting is: &lt;table&gt;&lt;/table&gt; Now, if I go to the edit form for the item that contains that …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for CheerfulBiscuit

hey there, your base case is more than selectedWith == 0. Like what if selectedWith is not zero, but your current author has no co authors? Then, why are you passing around scholarNeighborhood? Sounds like scholarNeighborhood will hold the result. You can certainly pass it around and be within the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for bibiki

hey there, I am looking at a maven project that makes use of another maven project. say project A and project B. In context.xml in project A, I see these two lines <value>classpath:oneFile</value> <value>classpath:otherFile</value> I have been trying to figure out what is the actual value of classpath, so what …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for Morley93

I am not sure that I can help you much about reporting, but I think you should use Derby for database. It's easy to make use of, and as of Java, I think 7, it ships along with Java SDK. it is an embedded DB like sqlite, but is easier …

Member Avatar for 1stDAN
Member Avatar for TokamakFusion

I have encountered this same issue once, and I happened to have access to someone that other people told me is a guru at the time. And I do take that guy for a guru, but this exact question puzzled him also, so all you much respected Java Forum helpers …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for bibiki

hey there, in a project I am involved, someone put a test class in main code. eclipse would not find the bug but mvn, not that in eclipse, would report a compile error, and we found the bug. because of that, I wanted to build my new maven project without …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Vaspar

...however, I would love to see the code JamesCherrill. Not only because it is code that I would like to make use of, but also to see your code as I am sure I'd learn something since I have been getting quite some help from you last 3 years. thanks …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for bibiki

Ok, I am trying to build a jar file and I cannot seem to find my way around. I have attached an image to this thread to show my directory structure. Now, I am navigating to my MultiProjectManagement directory and creating my manifest.txt file with: echo Main-Class: > manifest.txt …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for Pobunjenik

hey Pobunjenik, sta ima? Alright, I am not sure I understand exactly what it is you are having problems with, but I think I found another bug in your code. This method: public Player addPlayer(String soldierName) { this.allPlayers = new ArrayList<>(); Player P = new Player(); P.setName( + soldierName); allPlayers.add(P); …

Member Avatar for Pobunjenik
Member Avatar for bibiki

hey there, I am working on this project where I need to retreive merchant objects and their corresponding number of failed transactions. In pure SQL, I'd just write : "select merchant_id , count(merchant_id) from Transactions where status = 'failed' group by merchant_id" however, the only way I managed to write …

Member Avatar for bibiki

Hey there, I have a question regarding the builder pattern that I need someone with more experience to clarify for me. I have this User class that has an inner, public static Builder class that has the same fields as User as well as the corresponding setter methods. Now, the …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for jacksonbird03
Re: Java

hey jacksonbird03, please see the two topmost threads in this java forum for projects for java beginners and resources to start java, first and second threads correspondingly.

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for bibiki

hey there, I have created this simple app that makes use of a Robot instance. It is a network app that I control using telnet. I have tried it in two different computers. It works fine. However, in one of my computers, I manage to start my robot app through …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for bibiki

hey there everyone. I hope you're all well. Alright, I am working on testing a project using Selenium. I know that this is a Java forum and not a Selenium one, but I am used to using this one so I am starting here. Plus, I am very confident that …

Member Avatar for bibiki

Hey there, I need help with writing a query so I figured I'd ask here. Let me thank you in advance for your answer. I need to see how often a value inside a certain column appears in a table. Say for example I have a table Person, that has …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

in cmd you navigate to whatever directory you have your .java files in. to compile a specific file with name, in cmd you type the following (without quotes): "javac" to run the program, you type: "java Name" however, you need to have your environment variables set well so …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for bibiki

hey there, I have two classes with a one-to-many relationship. For ilustration: public class Customer { Business business; Date created; } public class Business { } Now, when I do the following: new StringBuilder().append("SELECT business FROM ").append(Customer.class.getName()) it works perfectly fine. However, when I include filtering based on created field …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for yyzdslr

hey yyzdslr, because you are lazy to copy paste your code and let us know what error you are getting, you gave us links to follow... but we too are lazy to follow the links and copy your code, with line numbers included, and compiling it. at least do that …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for bibiki

Hello everyone, I am puzzled... when I run a JUnit test, there is no main method in the class and it still runs. Alo, a java/maven web app does not have a main anywhere. My assumption is that it is hidden somewhere on some class I somehow extend or something. …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for bibiki

Hey there, I have a jsp page and a checkbox inside it: <input type="checkbox" name="some" onchange="test()">Check me</input> I also have this function: function test() { out.println("checkbox checked status changed"); } I want the function test to be invoked every time I check/uncheck my checkbox. It is not working. Since I …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for bibiki

Hey there, I need help with a query. The typical situation is like this: I expect, say, 1000 rows out of a query that is based, say, on lastName column. One column is, say, firstName. I know I only have like twenty unique names that occur on multiple rows. I …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for harinath_2007

you sound like you have problems accessing the files no matter where you place them, and not with where exactely to put them. I do not know about netbeans... but if you are having difficulties with accessing your files, first thing that comes to mind is that you have paths …

Member Avatar for harinath_2007
Member Avatar for bibiki

alright, I have been aware of private, protected, and public access modifiers but just this week I discovered that there is also the default access modifier in Java. In case none of the three p-- modifiers is mentioned in a method header or field declaration, they seem to have the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for akosivivas

I see people that are usually active and have been active just a few minutes ago, while your post is 4 hours old and they haven't tried to help you. That is because you have provided no code or shown any effort of yours. The guys here don't do other …

Member Avatar for radhakrishna.p
Member Avatar for bibiki

Hey there, I have the following code: int[] x = new int[7]; System.out.println(x.lengnth); x.length = 10; System.out.println(x.length); Of course, line three causes a "cannot assign a value to final variable length". However, line one does assign seven to that variable, length. Now, I have written a Testing class where I …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for mc.hitch

you can use create a web service for that. Build a data access object on your server, make it available via a web service, and access it from anywhere as long as you have internet.

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for mukiibi

I would also like to share this code. public class SomeClass { public int compareNums(int a, int b, int c) { return compareNums(compareNums(a, b), c); } public int compareNums(int a, int b) { if(a < b)return a; else return b; } }

Member Avatar for bibiki

The End.