I have a code that pulls a JSON response, and I need to compare times from now() and a previous when the timestamp was created. I am able to pull the info and have it display.
when i try and get the comparison to work it just sits there and doesnt display anything.
Here is my code
"use strict";
var endDate = new Date();
var startDate = new Date();
startDate.setHours(- 12);
api.call("Get", {
"typeName": "DutyStatusLog",
"search": {
"fromDate" : startDate,
"ToDate" : endDate,
"statuses" :['ON']
}, function(results){
for(var i=0; i<results.length; i++){
var stTime = results[i].dateTime;
var status = results[i].status;
var driver = results[i].driver.id;
console.log("Driver "+ driver +" at time: ",stTime + " And Has The Status Of " + status);
var newDate = new Date();
if((stTime - newDate ) > 6){
console.log("Answers: ",answerThis);
Yes, i Know answerThis
is not defined right now, But I am trying to just get the comparison to work right now if its greater than 6 hrs
here is what is returned from the array:
+annotations: Array[1]
+coDrivers: Array[0]
dateTime: "2018-02-12T20:37:26.594Z" //this is what i want to subtract from newDate
+device: Object
distanceSinceLastValidCoordinate: 0
+driver: Object
editDateTime: "2018-02-12T20:39:09.829Z"
eventCode: 4
eventRecordStatus: 1
eventType: 1
id: "a8g2YKRG0lEu5X7fEjiGp7g"
+location: Object
malfunction: "None"
origin: "Manual"
sequence: "0000000000000677"
state: "Active"
status: "ON"
version: "0000000000044acd"