Hi not sure if this is possible so wanted some guidance..
I have a database with 3 columns..
id, data,timestamp
id is auto increment and data is json array and timestamp is unix timestamp..
the field I wanted to update was data but I wanted to replace just a part of it..
see sample data below
(id, data, timestamp)
(1, '{"Employee_Number":"235","First_Name":"Test","Middle_Name":"TEST2"}',1495120538)
I wanted to replace the 235 with 544 but I will not know what data there is in the data field .. I will only know the id
I tried
UPDATE table
SET data
= replace(data, '{"Employee_Number":"%","First_Name"', '{"Employee_Number":"544","First_Name"') WHERE id
= '1'
but the issue is that % cannot be used as wildcard in replace..
Any suggestions will help