Dear members

I have a challange. I want to update my CRM database (MSSQL) with turnover numbers from our ERP database. I can retreive the data in different file types from my ERP database so they can be importet as a flat file. But does anybody have a good idea to create a batch update of my turnover records in my CRM database? I have read about the DTS tool for MS SQL but can't fugure out if this tool can help me. The import/update should run automatically every night (perhaps by scheduled tasks)

Any good ideas for me - anbody had the same issue?


What version of SQL Server are you running? DTS was available in MSSQL 2000 but replaced with SQL Server Integration Services in MSSQL 2005 and later. You may consider reading up on SSIS.

If you are using MSSQL 2000 then you can create a DTS package for the import and schedule it to run nightly. You can configure the package to drop & recreate the table, truncate it, or append. This all depends if you're going to be providing incremental data files for the import or if they are complete.

Thank you for fast reply. That was what i needed..

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