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I LOVE programming but never had the chance to work in the programming field.

Arabic literature & poetry, Programming {C#, Java, PHP}
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24 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for nadiam

I'd suggest to loop through duration minutes and calculate the cost minute by minute, I've got excited an tried it myself.. it works just fine.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Kunyepa

Hi, I can't give you a full answer since you didn't post your full code, but I can give you a few advices that would help you figure out the issue in your code. In your php code, I suppose that you are using 'getWinesByDescription' to get an array of …

Member Avatar for The Diamonds
Member Avatar for koneill

Hi, You need to get the parameters for post params before you can use them in your email template. Suppose that you have {name, email, order, subtotal, promo, tax, shipping, total} fields in your form, you need to write code like below before making MAIL call : my $query = …

Member Avatar for The Diamonds
Member Avatar for Krunal_3

Hi, After first '.pager' click, you're deleting all table contents including '.pager' elements which have event 'click' registered to it, then you're creating new '.pager' elements. Remeber that "$(".pager").click(function (evt) {" registers the 'click' event first time the page loads and won't work on elements that will be created later …

Member Avatar for The Diamonds
Member Avatar for Dani

Thanks Dani for posting your solution :) I found the same approach but with the use of hooks to register this function on "pre_system" [here](

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hi, I'm sorry that I can't help you with that converter thing.. but, why do you need one anyway? If you have the the VB.Net code just compile it into .dll library then you can use it in your C# projects. Just suggesting.. Regards.

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for kgizo

Hi, I can't see how your code would work, I think you've missed couple of somethings. As I saw on many websites, you need to use the function "ssh2_exec" instead of "exec" and you need to run the commands one by one. Also, in your case you can't use the …

Member Avatar for The Diamonds
Member Avatar for matutuedwin

Hi matutuedwin and WELCOME to Daniweb! You can achive this, simply, by linking two pages and when the user clicks on the link the browser just opens the required page.. A better way is to use Ajax to retrieve the data in real time without making the browser to load …

Member Avatar for The Diamonds
Member Avatar for noel9

Hi, You're doing the quotes wrongly, try this: echo "<tr><th><a href='#' onclick='sort($order)'></a></th></tr>";

Member Avatar for The Diamonds
Member Avatar for mohd.nasrul.iwan.fajaruddin

Salam Mohd, I don't think it is a proper way to query from database every time the user changes the combobox values. Instead you can use your SqlDataAdapter to fill a dataset, something like this: DataSet myDataset = new DataSet(); SqlDataAdapter daSearch = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT companyName FROM CompanyDetail", conn); daSearch.Fill(myDataset); …

Member Avatar for KushMishra
Member Avatar for Khoo

Hi, Since you want to add properties to your interface, why don't you convert it to 'abstract class' instead?

Member Avatar for KushMishra
Member Avatar for Trle94

Hi, Why wont you try to build a web crawler that visits a news website and fetchs some articles? If you like the idea I suggest that you use [HTMLAgility]( to crawle through the web. Regards

Member Avatar for KushMishra
Member Avatar for Cristianh21

Hi, You have a problem at line 8; there is the = operator that shouldn't be. Just remove it and it will be fine.

Member Avatar for The Diamonds
Member Avatar for moudy.mak

Hi, It has been long time since I used OpenGL, but I'll try to help. First, if you know how to intilialize OpenGL properly try the following approach.. otherwise wait for someone else to help:p Second, I didn't test the code and I'm not sure whether it works or not. …

Member Avatar for meta.quota
Member Avatar for angel06

Hi, The issue that you're facing is not a logical error in your "**Fraction**" class, it is just you didn't print the values properly. Look at line 20 of your code: Console.WriteLine(" + {0} {1}/{2} = {3} {4}/{5}", secondfraction.WholeNumber, secondfraction.Numerator,secondfraction.WholeNumber, add.WholeNumber, add.Numerator, add.Denominator); you print **secondfraction.WholeNumber** in field {2} instead …

Member Avatar for Venjense
Member Avatar for Firozeh

Hi Firozeh, Adding to what ddanbe just said: If you're searching for files in some directory, you can use the following: System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("dire_path", "*.cs") **EDIT:** You can use two search patterns in the previous command: *: Zero or more characters. ?: Exactly zero or one character. More in the following [link](

Member Avatar for The Diamonds
Member Avatar for Bestpractice

Hi, What libraries are you using? I tried your code on latest Google chrome & Firefox browsers and I got an error "Media is not defined". So were is this '**Media**' class?

Member Avatar for The Diamonds
Member Avatar for snitcher

Hi snitcher, Have you tried to run your code? Ok, let's talk about javascript portion of your code: // javascript function sendpayment(){ var payment = _("SendPayment").value; var touser =_("ToUser".value; if (payment == "") { _("status").innerHTML = "Type Amount";} else { _("status").innerHTML = "Processing.."; } { var ajax = ajaxObj("POST", "payment.php"); …

Member Avatar for The Diamonds
Member Avatar for CJMW

Hi, Can you be more specific were exactly you're struggling? I've just looked into TreeViewer and I found it straightforward, here is what I've tried: string[] files = new []{"file 1", "file 2"}; // files array that needs to be read from a file TreeNode projectRootNode = treeView1.Nodes.Add("project_name"); // create …

Member Avatar for The Diamonds
Member Avatar for desolatebeast

Hi, Most likely, the form is not closing when you hit "X" button because you get an exception inside **Form1_FormClosing**. I suggest you call **Form1_FormClosing** method explicitly while the app is still running to see what type of exception you get. You can just drop a new test button and …

Member Avatar for Fenrir()
Member Avatar for kkjaykamau

Hi, You need to use **EditedFormattedValue** instead of **FormattedValue**. Private void LastColumnComboSelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string itemValue = GridSellProducts.Rows[GridSellProducts.CurrentCell.RowIndex].Cells["Item"].EditedFormattedValue.ToString(); // more code <--- null value shown here always } Appearently, the cell value would be null while in editing mode.. see more about **FormattedValue** & **EditedFormattedValue** [here]( One more …

Member Avatar for The Diamonds
Member Avatar for abpierluissi

Hi, Why don't you put a simple redirect like the one below in the page specified by "$editFormAction" variable? header("Location:"); Note: header changes, and the line above of course, should be ordered before submitting any output to the client.

Member Avatar for The Diamonds
Member Avatar for thechett22

Do you understand what variables are? Let's put it in different way, do you know what first line of the code means? float price=56.95;

Member Avatar for munna.shk
Member Avatar for ryanpells

I know that this thread is a little bit old, hope I could help. You could use a GET parameter to specify what are you displaying like this: *TeamA.php?do=viewteam&id=$some_team_id* Now, inside "**TeamA.php**" check for the new parameter and act accordingly, you do something like: if(@$_GET['do'] == 'viewteam') { $team_id = …

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.