So I have to write a program that takes the amount and weight of pumpkins entered by a person and then outputs them back with their corrisponding weight class that i specify. I keep getting a syntax error on the elif statement and I was wondering if i could have some guidance as to what I'm doing wrong. The code is listed below, Thank you in advance !
def intro():
print("Program to calculate the average of a")
print("group of pumpkin weights.")
print("You will be asked to entr the number of")
print("pumpkins, followed by each pumpkin weight.")
print("Written by Gregory Navestad.")
def pumpkinAmount():
pumpkinNumber = int(input("Enter the number of pumpkins: "))
totalWeight = 0
count = 0
for pumpkins in range(pumpkinNumber):
count = count +1
pumpkinWeight = int(input("Enter the weight for pumpkin " +str(count)+": "))
totalWeight = totalWeight + pumpkinWeight
if (pumpkinWeight >= 70.00):
print(str(pumpkinWeight + " is heavy")
elif (pumpkinWeight >= 50.00 and pumpkinWeight <= 70):
print(str(pumpkinWeight + " is normal")
else: (pumpkinWeight <= 50.00):
print(str(pumpkinWeight + " is light")
return totalWeight,pumpkinNumber
def calcAverage(totalWeight,pumpkinNumber):
averageWeight = float(totalWeight) / float(pumpkinNumber)
return averageWeight
def results(averageWeight,pumpkinNumber):
print("The Average weight of",pumpkinNumber,"is {0:0.3f}".format(averageWeight))
def main():
totalWeight, pumpkinNumber = pumpkinAmount()
averageWeight = calcAverage(totalWeight,PumpkinNumbers)