i have 3 table i inner join with 3 table and add function but now getting error please help me how to solve the the problem please help me
ERROR :Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Column 'TBL_pur_inv.invno' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
TABLE 1: TBL_pur_inv as pr (purinvid,slno,pdcgst,cgstamt,pdsgst,sgstamt,pdigst,igstamt,TaxableAmt totaltaxamt)
TABLE 2: tbl_party_ldg AS p
TABLE 3: TBL_pur_invdet AS prd
What I have tried:
select p.prtgst,p.prtynm,pr.invno,pr.invamt,PR.purinvdt,prd.pdcgst,sum(prd.totaltaxamt)As Rate,sum(prd.TaxableAmt)As Taxable_Amount
from TBL_pur_inv as pr
INNER JOIN tbl_party_ldg AS p ON pr.partyIDpur = p.partyID
INNER JOIN TBL_pur_invdet AS prd ON pr.purinvid = prd.purinvid
where purinvdt ='2018-01-04' GROUP BY prd.pdcgst