I am have been struggling with this and need some help. I am reading and excel sheet and getting the data and trying to search sql server to get the record. IN excel the length is 12 characters and in sql its 30. I am trying a like query and never getting any results. But if I do it in sql I return a value.
VB.NET code
Dim strSearchText As String
strSearchText = TextBox2.Text
Dim sqlquery As String = "Select * from Housedat where (PROPID LIKE '%" & TextBox2.Text & "%')"
If SQL.RecordCount < 1 Then Exit Sub
For Each r As DataRow In SQL.DBDT.Rows
TextBox3.Text = r("TAXOWNER")
SQL Code
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[HousDat] where PROPID LIKE '00092 0100016%' order by PROPID GO
Any help would be great.