Vshost.exe has stopped working...
Posted A minute ago
vshost.exe has stopped working
this error showing after using the Crystal Report.
The error show when I closed the application.
If I not use the crystal report then the error not showing.
I am creating a program in vb with visual studio 2010 ultimate and crystal report
Please help me.....

For view a report

   Public Sub PrintSaleRInvoice()
    Dim PrintSale As New DataSet
    objsale.saleinvid = txtSaleInvid.Text
    PrintSale = objsale.PrintSaleInvoice() ' Procedure name
    PrintSale.Tables(0).TableName = "DataTable1"
    Dim rpt As New SaleInv
    rpt.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperOrientation.Portrait
    rpt.PrintOptions.PaperSource = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSource.Middle
    SaleRInvPrint.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rpt

End Sub

Please help me please

Let's watch https://www.codeproject.com/Questions/1247089/Vshost-exe-has-stopped-working too.

What I find interesting is the following:
Crystal reports are no longer shipped along with Visual studio 2010. Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 was planned to be released separately, instead of included with the product.
Thus, Crystal Report are not included in Visual Studio 2010 onwards. They are provided by SAP for free download.

There are settings you have to deal with to marry these two up so I can't guess if you flubbed the install or setup or are running into security or API deprecation issues.

If this app must be made, it may be time to step up to a current Visual Studio or past version that had Crystal Reports.

Further research (google) finds no one clear fix. This means your googlefoo will be tested.

commented: Nice +15
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