I know I'm just missing the mark here, but what I am trying to accomplish is simply adding the results of two text boxes.
Form has two text boxes and 1 label
The user enters a number (any number from 0 - 10) into each textbox
when the user 'leaves' textbox2, label1 is updated with the total of adding textbox1 and textbox2 together
My Code:
PublicClass Form1
Private Sub TextBox2_Leave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox2.Leave
Label1.Text = TextBox1.Text + TextBox2.Text
End Sub
Given my current code, when I enter a 2 in textbox1 and a 3 in textbox2, Label1 updates to show 23 (while I can see WHY that happens, thats not what I was hoping for). I know I'm missing something, just not sure "what". Any help is appreciated. (and yes, I am a VB noob)