attached is the q of the c program....and
here's what i try to write out...
may i know how should i write to prompt user to enter the four weights from the keyboard. and the program should print an error message if the weights are out of range?

Here's my program

floatx[4] = {1.2,2.4,3.6,4.8};
float f[4] = {0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4};



int i;
for (i=0; 1<4;i++) ftotal+ = f;
for(i=0;1<4;i++) xave+=f *x;
printf("\nThe weights are %f"&f);
printf("\nThe average is %f\n",xave);

please advise me. Thanks.

>>may i know how should i write to prompt user to enter the four weights from the keyboard.

just create a loop for this

int i;
float weights[4] = {0};
char buf[80];
for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
   printf("Enter weight #%d", i+1);
   weights[i] = atof(buf);
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