I'm a little lost here. I'm trying to read from a file named source.txt located in the same area as my program. If i could figure this out i could continue with the rest of the program. I'm just getting a blank screen so i know i'm way off heres the code if anyone could push me in the right direction it would help greatly thanks

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <istream>

using namespace std;

float readStoreCount(float numbers[]);
float printNumbers(float numbers[]);

int main ()
    float numbers[100];
    numbers [100] = readStoreCount(numbers);
    system ("pause");
    return 0;
} //main

float readStoreCount(float numbers[])
    int i = 0;
    ifstream source;
    source.open ("source.txt");
    if (!source)
       { cerr << "\aError 100 opening source.txt" << endl;
        exit (100);//opening failure test
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    cin >> numbers [i];
    cout << "numbers are going in" << endl;
    source.close ();
    if (source.fail())
       { cerr << "\aERROR 102 closing source.txt" << endl;
         exit (102);//closing failure test

float printNumbers(float numbers[])
    int i;
    float numbersIn[100];
    for (i = 100; i > numbers [i]; i--)
             cout << numbers [i];

scratch that i figured it.....but does anyone know how to unset the error flag before checking for a close failure?

Hi there, hopefully my this simple program will help you out........Actually it is almost as same as your's but i did lots of changes. The word in magenta , i think is ofstream instead of ifstream. :mrgreen:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

void readStoreCount();
void printNumbers();

int main ()

return 0;
} //main

void readStoreCount()
int i = 0;
float numbers[100];
ofstream source;
source.open ("source.txt");
if (!source)
cerr << "\aError 100 opening source.txt" << endl;
exit (1); // Exit Program If The File Cannot Be Opened //

for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
source<<numbers<<endl;  // Intializing The numbers Into Your Source File //

cout << "Numbers are going in the file............. " << endl;
source.close ();

if (source.fail())
cerr << "\aERROR 102 closing source.txt" << endl;
exit (1);   //closing failure test

void printNumbers()
int i=0;

ifstream source("source.txt",ios::in);

float Num;
float numbersIn[100];

while(i<100 && !source.eof() ) // Input The Numbers from The File Into The Array NumbersIn[]
{                             // While i<100 And While File Is Not End Of File.




cout<<"The Numbers Taken From The File Are :- "<<endl;
for(int j=100; j>=0; j--)               // Display The Numbers in The Array From Largest
{                                   //numbersIn[100] To numbersIn[0] //



commented: Use code tags. +0
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