2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for ebc3142

Hi, I have a "check_login" function which checks whether the user is logged in or not and if it isn't, redirects them to "login.php". When I try going to the page whilst logged in, it displays as it should. However, when I'm logged out and I try it, instead of …

Member Avatar for lisandroivan
Member Avatar for sirlink99

I just bought a Samsung Slim External DVD Writer SE-S084F. The computer recognizes the drive, but when I put in a cd the drive constantly connects and disconnects while trying to read it. I have went on the website and I followed the installation instructions, but still nothing. Thanks for …

Member Avatar for roycpo
Member Avatar for gahhon

#user hl:hover { color: BlueViolet; text-decoration: underline; } <asp:HyperLink ID="hlUsername" runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/Manager/ProfileView.aspx" CssClass="hl" /> While this hyperlink is hovered, the font is underline but font color not changing. Any problem with my code?

Member Avatar for syeda_satwat
Member Avatar for rantnna

I have two files large files: 1) file1.txt as below: ( more than 20,000 records ) 5020120475 |13ZJ38000813 |20141204|R 5020127431 |13ZJ38001569 |20141201|R 5020127689 |12ZJ44000606 |20141203|R 5020127728 |13ZJ38001356 |20141203|R 5020127956 |13ZJ62002544 |20141205|R 5020127972 |13ZJ49000082 |20141205|R 5020128325 |13ZJ57000785 |20141210|R 5020128706 |13ZJ38002805 |20141211|R 5020129084 |10XJ70107764 |20141217|R 5020129102 |12ZJ54000041 |20141217|R and 2) other file …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for analys

Hi, I'm new to perl and I'm stuck at regular expression on which to get the data of deck, super and trial from an array. I have an input file as the following : `deck { @STATE = "this is low"; @ACCESS = "RW"; } [6:0]; super { @STATE = …

Member Avatar for Vignesh Kumar

Hello, I have checked the webcontrol with the webpage i have developed, it doesnt fully loaded in webcontrol, but it does in IE. I have got script errors while loading webcontrol from visual studio- "object doesnt support property or method". But when i load the same url in IE it …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for Chris.T

0 down vote favorite I'm using Wireshark packet analyzer & when I filter for all "Websocket" packets I see what I am sending /receiving to the host. When I check individual packets mine always show as [MASKED], but you can 'Umask Payload' which shows the data in clear text that …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for pjrey

is it possible to update a portion of our website via email (if a blank email is sent, the dhtml window will be hidden) if an email with text is sent, it will show the box, saying NEWS and a border, with the text sent via email inside... when you …

Member Avatar for clickmind
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

I know you're not supposed to use Lightweight Components like JFrame with non-Lightweight Components like JFrame, so my question is, what do you use with a Canvas? Is there also some example code for it? Thanks!

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for killingmonk

My program is supposed to decide whether a number is an integer or not. I've tried: if ($variable % 1 = 0) and: if ($variable % 1.0 = 0) I know that it can be done with regular expressions, but I'm only on day three of Sams Perl in 21 …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for UK-1991

Hi, I am trying to submit data and saving it to the database queries are inserting properly but the problem is that when I try to insert the data the message column Let suppose i Type in Hello World! In data base it show as undefined whhy is that so …

Member Avatar for UK-1991
Member Avatar for Shailang

I am trying to work on some code that will fetch all hyperlinks from a webpage url using the python. The code works perfectly fine when i try to run the code at home network without my proxy. When i have to show the code to my teacher in my …

Member Avatar for Shailang
Member Avatar for Ahmed_65

I am using XML:twig to extract some attributes from an XML file using Perl; Here is my code: use XML::Twig; my $file = $ARGV[0]; $file =~ /(.+)\.xml/; my $outfile = $1.".snp" ; open my $out,'>',$outfile or die "Could not open file '$outfile' $!"; my $twig = XML::Twig->new ( twig_handlers => …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Ahmed_65

Hi guys I have two files as listed below. I want to compare first column from second file with the first column from first file, if exists, give it the same value of second column from the first file as second column for the second file. If not, increase the …

Member Avatar for Ahmed_65
Member Avatar for Mace_1

I want an idea on how to make online chatting network in perl, just like a messenger where if there's an online people you can chat him/her. I know how to create a chat network in perl but everyone can chat in an single network like a public chat room, …

Member Avatar for mcglk
Member Avatar for alan_123

I am new to perl. In a string How do I replace a backward slash with a forward slash? when I call the following perl api $FindBin::Bin; I get the path as follows $myPath = c:/perl/test I would like to covert this to c:\perl\test I did try the following and …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Lev_2

HI, With Win32::GUI - need to create a window with scroll bar , within a main window. This second window (child of a main window) will hold different buttons/checkboxes ,etc , and will have a scroll bar . Did not find so far any package in win32::GUI that will enable …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for UK-1991

Hello, I created a method to show the products by category but the condition I placed is not working if condition is working properly but else if condition not working properly if(isset($_GET["catid"])) { $statement = "posts WHERE cat_name='$cat' ORDER BY pid ASC"; $results = mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT * FROM {$statement} LIMIT {$startpoint} …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Lakhbir

Hello, In sort by relevance mode, my cse at [website](http://www.besttubesites.tk) displays label "relevance" out of box and when label "date" is selected, it displays correctly. Pure CSE's html and css code displays correctly, whereas when I add it to my site the above problem occurs. Some css or javascript at …

Member Avatar for Lakhbir
Member Avatar for nicksuave

Hey guys, I'm not sure what the problem is and don't know what info you even need to figure this out, but my laptop is only able to properly shut down about 20% of the time. The rest of the time, it shows the Shutting Down screen and waits forever, …

Member Avatar for nicksuave
Member Avatar for anmol.raghuvanshi1

hello, I want to store image path in database along with image name like /uploads/profilepic/name.jpg. what happening is only path is beinged saved not image name like field in my table prfile_picture has updated /uploads/profilepic/ but i want image name also after trailing slash so that i can retrieve that …

Member Avatar for UK-1991

Hello, I tried to create a gallery using php admins can upload multiple images all the images are uploading correctly like the image is saving in the database as much as I can but the problem is that the image is saving once in the folder Like loop runs images …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for al2henry

Moving my [Vivaldi](http://www.vivaldichoir.org/index.php) choir pages to use .php to include for common elements as per [Mayne Island Conservancy](http://www.conservancyonmayne.com) (see open question from 3 days ago) & have noticed some anomolies in IE 11. Any help would be appreciated on this and my open query on "Mobile Display" I intend to …

Member Avatar for al2henry
Member Avatar for Mushfik

Hi. Below is the code which parse data from mysql into json, but for the name column i want to have <a href="http://example.com">column name</a> instead of jst the column 'name'. is it possible in any ways. <?php $link = mysql_pconnect("localhost", "user", "pass") or die("Could not connect"); mysql_select_db("userdb") or die("Could not …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for prashantkaushal

Hi there, yesterday I tried a very basic cgi program, which comes with xampp 1.7.1 in cgi-bin directory. but my browser said: "You don't have permission to access the requested object. It is either read-protected or not readable by the server." The perl code is : [CODE] #!"C:\xampp\perl\bin\perl.exe" print "Content-type: …

Member Avatar for Samuel_6
Member Avatar for UK-1991

Hello, I created a login script in which I set a condition of 2 authentication user and other one is admin but the redirection is not working properly it check if user type is admin it logsin but not redirect it moves all the way downword to else condition let …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for laguardian

Hello guys! I'm working a project and it seems that there's something wrong with my switch-case. For example, in the user menu, the user can input the number 2 then it would allow them to deposit, but somehow, it keeps displaying the first switch-case. switch(resp){ case 1: users.get(0).displayProfile(); users.get(0).editProfile(); break; …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Henry_5

I am implementing the last feature of my Python Checkers Game, which is to require the user to make multiple jumps. For captures, I do the following: 1 Check if the move is valid: 2 self.validatedMove = True (The move that has been made is valid.) 3 self.capture() (Captures the …

Member Avatar for DragonMastur
Member Avatar for Anna123

Dear All, I want to know whether there is any perl script availabe to compare more than two files and print out the matching rows, for example if i have following files, file_1 TPT 0.0520852296 RP11 0.1062639955 AC01 1.4112745088 AC00 0.4992644913 file_2 LINC 0.1648703511 AC00 0.1632039268 CTD 4.3654577641 RP1 0.1357422856 …

Member Avatar for Anna123
Member Avatar for Anna123

Dear All, I have two files where I need to map file_1 to file_2 based on the similarity of the 1st column from file_1 to 8th column to file_2 and print the similar rows with annotaions for that. I am able to achieve that with the following perl script. But …

Member Avatar for 2teez

The End.