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65 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for G_S

Hello people. I'm looking for FP examples that are very simple (very few lines, one-liners are even better) and that totally look like sorcery to a traditional imperative programmer. Can you help me with that? I want to show some old school programmers who are friends of mine but keep …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for prowler421

Do you have several Python versions? Sounds like the module is not installed for the python.exe that gets called when you type "python". Double check your PATH variable. Also, why don't you try calling django-admin directly? Do this: Locate your Python installation folder (usually C:\python34), in there there must be …

Member Avatar for G_S
Member Avatar for Siberian

You normally install modules using pip install <package_name>. If everything goes well, you just need to import the module into your programs. Have you tried this? What errors did you get?

Member Avatar for G_S
Member Avatar for ramsiva

This is old but maybe I can still help. First some questions: are you using a server? If so, which one? Also, which database will you use? Last time I checked there were problems with mySQL's driver for Python 3.5 (in case you need MySQL). Are you new to Python? …

Member Avatar for G_S
Member Avatar for Ivnas

Well, I would first store the loaded content in a list, then populate the listbox with it. Second, I would create a buton whose associated function performs a curselection() to get the selected items, then check if they exist in list 2 and if not, place them there. Finally this …

Member Avatar for G_S
Member Avatar for G_S

Hello everyone. I am trying to make a simple to-do list program using PHP and the MVC pattern. I have managed to make the login page, the model and the controller for managing logins. It is working properly because it can discern if the user exists or not. After validating …

Member Avatar for G_S
Member Avatar for G_S

Hello everyone. I am modeling a simple dictionary application using the presentation-business logic-data layer pattern. I already have the design but am not sure it is correct: My presentatioon layer is a simple GUI where users insert their queries. They have a form for entering new words and their definitiom …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for G_S

Hello everyone. I am currently making some database connection modules in Python inb order to learn Python's approach to OOP and also to lear how to connect to databases via Python. I successfully made a package with modules for postgres, mysql, sqlite3, and MongoDB. The classes simply connect, disconnect and …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for veledrom

One of the most popular ones is Eclipse with PyDev. It has the button you want and also debugging features. PyDev is the plugin for Python. Another nice one would be Ninja IDE. Both are free and opensource. A simpler IDe would be WingIDE. It's very good for learning Python …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for G_S

I have this: dic = {'ál':1, 'él':2} string = "ÉL" number=dic[string.lower()] and it's giving me a KeyError. I realize then that 'ÉL'.lower() is giving me 'Él', i.e. it is not affecting the É at all because some weird Python 2.x encoding issue. Can somebody help me please? I can't tell …

Member Avatar for G_S
Member Avatar for G_S

Hello. I am currently studying database design at my local university. They use Microsoft products there (Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2012), but we can't use them at home because of the licensing. I have two questions: 1 - Is there anything in the world of Open Source that I can use …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for G_S

Hello everybody. I have a question related to database design: I am trying to make a database for my translation mini-company. I have two entities: translators and proofreaders. The problem is that some of our translators double as proofreaders, that is, they can work in both areas. The question is, …

Member Avatar for G_S
Member Avatar for jingda

I have a couple of lovebirds. I let them loose in my house. Right now, one of them is chewing on my books, arrrgg gota go catch it!

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for G_S

Hy, I have a beginner question: when using PyDev should all my programs be inside a package or not?

Member Avatar for G_S
Member Avatar for G_S

Hello everybody. Lately, I'm having a problem with PyDev which is driving me crazy: It is failing to connect to the Python console, therefore, many built-ins appear as errors (None, __name__, the os modules, etc.). I have tried downgrading PyDev, I have tried disabling IPv6, I have tried disabling my …

Member Avatar for G_S
Member Avatar for G_S

Hello people. I need an explanation about inheritance I got a little confused in class: This is the modelling problem: There are two objects: doctors and patients. They are expected to have only the following attributes: Doctors have: name, age, id, and salary Patients have: name, age, id, and disease …

Member Avatar for G_S
Member Avatar for G_S

Hello I am a little confused. I had always thought that a class can have objects from other clases as attributes. My teacher recently told me that this is not true... so I am confused now: if one of the attributes of my class is a String, would that be …

Member Avatar for G_S
Member Avatar for xHellghostx

I'm having a similar problem. I think I read somewhere that constructors are not inherited. But I think you can call the parent's constructor using super (I think).

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for annieshvijay

I'm pretty sure it's a school assignment. I got the same assignment a while ago. It looks daunting at first for newcomers, but it is quite easy. Try to solve the problem in your head or using a piece of paper without actually coding, just think about a solution and …

Member Avatar for G_S
Member Avatar for kenth21v

I'm not very experienced but I have been doing exactly what jakedrake333 suggests for 2 years and it DOES work. Imust add that trying to make a program that is useful for your own job is also a way of keeping yourself motivated and engaged with the project.

Member Avatar for ObSys
Member Avatar for DavidB

I wish Zecharia Sitchin's books were true and this machine would find something nice there

Member Avatar for vinnitro
Member Avatar for eternalcomplex

There is another one for OpenOffice (I think): I have always ben curious about this. Can't you just download a module and use it in you program instead of forcing users to install the whole thing?

Member Avatar for G_S
Member Avatar for G_S

Hello. I am working on a personal project. It's basically a program for changing specific tags from certain HTML files. So far, everything works. The GUI and the logic a work but I know the main function is wrong because it looks like this: def tag_remove(HTML_string): clean_HTML = a_string.replace('<b>', '').replace('<i>', …

Member Avatar for G_S
Member Avatar for sneekula

Think about MIT's Scratch. It's a nice graphical environment for children. It's like LOGO:

Member Avatar for Sanchixx
Member Avatar for G_S

Hello, I need your help with something (again): I need to control two text widgets with one scrollbar and, thanks to this website, I found some code to do it using listboxes (here: [url][/url]). I modified it, and it now works with text widgets and pyton 2.x. The problem is: …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for jackbauer24

Though Question. The only FF games available for PS2 are X, X-2 and 12. Your second condition rules out Final Fantasy 12, so the only one left is X-2, whose storyline continues X's, but sucks. There are no summons, only three characters, and the gameplay is basically a bunch of …

Member Avatar for jackbauer24
Member Avatar for Sanchixx

I think IE is THE worst browser, not just graphics-wise. Don't know about the latest version though.

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for G_S

Hello everybody. I want to make sure about something: If I install ActivePython 3.2 as root on Linux, will it delete the distro's default Python (2.6)? I also installed Python 3.1 a long time ago, so I have Distro's Python 2.6, the official Python 3.1 and want to add this …

Member Avatar for G_S
Member Avatar for G_S

Hello again. Here are the details: * My litle scripts work perfectly in my virtual Windows XP (I'm using virtualbox if that matters) as long as they are non-compiled .py or .pyw files * After compiling them, I double click on them and a DOS window comes out, then dissapears …

Member Avatar for G_S
Member Avatar for G_S

Hello. I am trying to create a module containing many little functions useful for linguistics. So far everything works right, but I have a question: is it a problem if a function within a module calls another function within the same module? I mean, I have a function that performs …

Member Avatar for G_S

The End.