2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for juniper.root

I understand its usually a header has been already sent type scenario but I'm starting to lose it. I have no idea how to sniff out where I mucked up in my code. I tried using a print sub routine that prints both to stdout and to a file. I …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for khairbabu61

I have prepared web site in google blog spot. Done site map and google tools set .Also create bing site map. When I am schercing in google money from out sourcing which not showing properly but in bingit is showing properly. Pls can you help how to solve this problem.

Member Avatar for craftkilimanj
Member Avatar for anglaissam

Using WWW::Mechanize::Firefox there exists the ability for a PERL script to grab the URL of the active firefox tab amongst other abilities. I want to be able to do the same for Google chrome. Does anyone know of a way to obtain the Chrome active tab URL through PERL? Thanks …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for <M/>

I am trying to collect my form inputs into a csv file and for some reason the csv file records some of the styling and does not display numbers (phone number and date). I am not sure where I got it wrong. Here is what I have so far. <?php …

Member Avatar for imti321
Member Avatar for Alan_6

Hi ! I have the Idea to make a perl script (better than in bash) to make some configuration on linux. I think to have some files like param.txt with some lines like: param_one = ZZZ XX CCCC VV param_two = ZZZZZZZZZ param_three = X so need to check if …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for justadaniwebber

I am making a website and for some odd reason the site does not load up properly. Parts of it have been removed and the older version shows. Also, the images and the .js/.css does not load up properly? How do i get it to show up properly?

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for rama.krishna.9003

I have three files, each one containing 5 columns. Every line begins with a name (column 1) and it has a range associated in column 4 (beginning range) and column 5 (end of range) File:A A5WV02_DANRE 35.64 188 3030 3217 A5WV02_DANRE 34.24 184 3934 4117 A5WV02_DANRE 33.68 193 2707 2898 …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for itsthewendigo1111

I"ve been working on this dice game for the past few days. I made sure the game itself worked properly then I added a draw dice function that would show you the dice that were rolled on the canvas. I needed a continue button to make the rest of the …

Member Avatar for itsthewendigo1111
Member Avatar for premkiran

Hi all, I'm new in PERL, and trying to set up code that will allow me to create a new Table (Table 2) from Table 1: Table 1 No. Time Person 1 9:42 AM A 2 9:42 AM B 3 9:42 AM A 4 9:42 AM C 5 9:42 AM …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Ghazal_1

can anyone help me to Write a script that can find gene palindromes, including reverse-complement non-repeating palindromes with an intervening spacer region.

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for nyquil
Member Avatar for minhaajmuntasir.edoo

How do i access a masterpage hyperlink control from a content page in asp.net 4.0 using vb?

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Gurjit_1

Hello friends, Please help me to sort out my problem , actually it is strange one and don't know why it appears. Actually I was trying to make a file upload form which I got success although a bit. A bit in the sense, if I include just <form> in …

Member Avatar for Gurjit_1
Member Avatar for Linda_4

Hi - Not sure If I posted this in the proper forum - I installed upload-lite script here - http://www.perlscriptsjavascripts.com/perl/upload_lite/users_guide.html and it is great for the simple use I want. I'd like to add the submitters name and email address to the form. Could someone please send me the code …

Member Avatar for dinkar_1

I have a multiselect dropdown which has 8 colors in a hash %all_colors: my %all_colors = ( 1 => 'Red', 2 => 'Yellow', 3 => 'Orange', 4 => 'Blue', 5 => 'Black', 6 => 'Brown', 7 => 'Green', 8 => 'White', ); I have put it in a dropdown like …

Member Avatar for vivek.vivek

Hi, My file has date in "14-oct-2014" format. I want to compare this date with current date and print result if the difference is less than or equal to 7 days. Example: Say today is 10-oct-2014 and file contains 14-oct-2014. The difference between these days is 4. So the script …

Member Avatar for vivek.vivek
Member Avatar for muskovitz

i want to make a time capturing limit of airodump-ng using the timeout command of UNIX but it just gave a empty terminal screen! Heres the simple perl script #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $interface="eth1"; my $moninterface="prism0"; open(FILE, ">result.txt") or die "Failed to create a file!\n"; print FILE `iwlist …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Robert_26

Hi. I am trying to recruit for a PERL/Shell Scripting Developer for our Baltimore Office. How would i find them on this site? Thanks for reading. Robert Ossakow Sr. Recruiter T. Rowe Price

Member Avatar for jackstone444
Member Avatar for Anirudh_1

I have two text files a.txt that contains data like abcd = 4.0 def =2.0 jkl= 8.0 and b.txt which has similar data abcd = 6.0 dfg = 2.0 jkl = 8.0 i want two compare and print the following points in a new text file 1.the names first, if …

Member Avatar for raicabogdan
Member Avatar for red711

Hi, I'm new to perl, and need help about comparing 2 columns within 2 different .tsv files. I have search through the forum for some similar case of mine, such as [url]http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/perl/threads/335711[/url], [url]http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/perl/threads/336421[/url] and [url]http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/perl/threads/311399[/url] , I have tried to modified them according to my needs but somehow the final …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for spidey

Hello, I installed 'Marvel Ultimate Alliance' game on my PC. Every function and graphics display well except for the characters, mine and the villains alike. They seem to look like silhouettes or stick men with weapons. I asked someone else about it and he said the problem could be in …

Member Avatar for arthurmanuel.emanex
Member Avatar for ingeborgdot@yah

I can open Yahoo Mail in Chrome, IE but not on Firefox on my main computer. I can open up Yahoo Mail on every other computer I have no matter what browser I use. It is just the one computer that has an issue with Yahoo Mail. Everything else works …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for arsharma159

Here is my line of markup code for Rich Snipets. Google says use it but I didn't find any particular way to make it WORK. I inluded this block of code in both HEAD and BODY areas as said by GOOGLE, but it didn't word either way. I even TESTED …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for kartikeswar.parida

Here the switch() isn't working properly;not executing the function; & morever the while loop run twice when an invalid choice is given.. #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<string.h> #define MAX 100 int vowel_count(char*); int conso_count(char*); void to_lower(char*); void to_upper(char*); void menu(); int main() { int cnt=0; char data[MAX]=" "; bool flag=false; printf("Enter …

Member Avatar for sanjulovers
Member Avatar for myk45

Hello All, I want to convert a markdown file to its equivalent HTML programatically and Iam looking for a way to do this properly. I would need a script that converts the markdown file into proper html.I'am aware of Doxygen which generates these .md files to hmtl just with a …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Jack_9

I'm starting perl and I run windows so I would like to know what is a good perl IDE for windows. Any advice is appreciated.

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Jack_9

Does anybody know a good book, are a good website to learn perl. Anything is appreciated.

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Jack_9

I haven;t even started learning perl yet, I know languages like java, c and python, but is perl even worth learning? I mean it's a preety old language (what am Isaying age dosen't matter, think of how much C is still used) but the thing that I meant is that …

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for sai_5

i am writing an automation script in Perl which logs into the server and executes various commands and functions.This Perl script mostly uses "send expect statements and for loops " to run the commands. This Perl script is a back end script which i have written. i have to build …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for biojet

hi all, I am comparing 2 data: Data 1 has 26 colums that have the information of comapanies and detail of informations. Data 2 has 18 coulums that have the information of peoples. Form the name of people (data 2) I want to make the new data which have all …

Member Avatar for Taywin

The End.